Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bike, sunrise

So yesterday when we had clear skies… I “might have” mentioned that I prefer cloudy days so that the sun can splash color all over them. We got a bit today… a great splash of color… but then the gray clouds took over completely before the sunrise could really happen?! Guess I need to use my words more cautiously… because sometimes you get just what you asked for!!!

Categories: food, holiday, pottery, stamped

Just got home from teaching class… and it’s never too late to celebrate! As today is also NATIONAL CHERRY PIE DAY!!! And I’m ready to have a slice of the fun!!! 🍒

Categories: bowls, food, holiday, soda-fired, stamped

Just a little afternoon snack celebrating NATIONAL MUFFIN DAY.
You know how I love a good holiday!!!

Categories: textures

Some shimmering glass block windows for another TEXTURE TUESDAY.

Categories: seasons, weather

Now don’t get me wrong… I’m not saying that it is quite “warm” yet as there are still remnants of Winter literally hanging on along the lakefront. And there are no delusions here that Winter is over. You know there is probably more cold & snow on it’s way at some point!!! But let’s enjoy this while we can…

Categories: bike, sunrise

On a clear day… cue music here… you can see forever! Well, except for that little bit of “marine layer” cloudiness along the horizon. So nice to have a bit of a warm spell coming into Chicago for the next couple days!

Categories: classes, food

Last week our snacks were “outta this world” as I shared the new limited edition SPACE DUNK OREOS with all of my pottery classes… and the soda-firing workshop too!!! The cookies are very brightly colored, with some snapping PopRocks mixed in. Overall… good reviews & empty packages at the end of every class!!! But then again… why do the packages just keep getting smaller & smaller??? Do they think we don’t notice?!

Categories: classes, platters, surface decoration

Look art Maya’s MASTERPIECE!!! She’s been in my Intermediate Wheeltrowing class for a couple sessions… entering with a plan to make this wonderful collection of platters for her wall at home. We worked on improving her platter-making techniques, as well as surface decorations & glazing. It was a labor of love for Maya… and now I LOVE IT TOO!!! Well done Maya!!! You’ve outdone yourself!

Categories: mugs, pottery, social media

Well, the saga continues… as I was hoping this was a one-time thing. Apparently not. Thanks to more of my faithful Followers, we now know that the same studio in San Jose has used MY images before!!! Seems to be a thing for them. Stealing other potters images without permission. So obnoxious.

Create your own content.
Create your own brand.
Create your own pottery.

Again, special THANKS to all of my pottery peeps that have been so supportive & encouraging over the years. Like Dawn who spotted this image in one of their Reels from awhile back. I know it’s a risk putting so many of my images out there… but I wish to view the good in the world. And not the trolls who try to ruin it for everyone else!

Categories: classes, lillstreet

Class registration opened at 10:00am this morning at Lillstreet for the Spring session of classes! Good to see several of my “regulars” at the front of the line trying to register in-person… instead of battling online to snag a spot!!! Good news for me… all three of my Spring classes sold out in less than six minutes!!! Whoo-hoo!!!