The beautiful Fall colors are still hanging on in Chicago… literally clinging to cement walls! Great colors, great textures & great shadows!

Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play |
The beautiful Fall colors are still hanging on in Chicago… literally clinging to cement walls! Great colors, great textures & great shadows!
A few more flowers popping up on the back porch…
a hanging basket of mini-petunias that survived the Halloween snowstorm!
I’ve added a little bling to a few of my Christmas Trees!!! Yes, a small collection of trees will have metallic star toppers! But which is your favorite… gold, silver or copper? And remember… they’re going to be first-come, first-served… no calling dibs!!!
Lots of colors, lots of patterns…
close-up details of some Christmas Trees fresh from the kiln!
So here’s a few more pictures of some of my clay Christmas Trees… all destined to make their “Big Debut” this weekend at my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW!!! Lots to choose from… different textures, different sizes & different shades of green. Narrow it down if you must… but I think a “trio of trees” would look great on your fireplace mantle or dining room table! No dibs… it’s first come, first served.
Here’s a little sneaky-peek of some of my new Christmas Trees as I start unloading another glaze kiln! Just a couple more days until this weekend’s HOLIDAY HOME SHOW!!! Tons of pottery everywhere… and a lot of trees too!!!
Down the street there’s a beautiful hydrangea bush with these big, beautiful flower clusters. Luckily, I cut off a couple stems before the big Halloween snowfall… and now they’ve dried perfectly & maintained their green color. A perfect addition to my green stamped & soda-fired vase!
I’ve been busy setting up shelves all over the place for this weekend’s HOLIDAY HOME SHOW… including in the dining room where several of my orchids live. So they’ve been enjoying some new lighting & clean space to spread-out more! At least until the shelves get covered with pottery in a couple days!!! Pack ’em tight… make room for the POTTERY!!!
Tonight was the last class for my Beginning Wheelthrowing class… celebrating again with a potluck & a “trading-stealing-exchanging” game. Category for the trade was a “not-so-basic bowl”. While the theme for our potluck was “Dips And The Vehicle To Get Them In Your Mouth .”
I decided to up-my-game, and yet stay brand loyal… with Hot Cocoa OREO’s and a fluffy Hot Cocoa Dip!!! A double whammy of yummy goodness!!!
Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
Lillstreet Studios ∙ 4401 North Ravenswood, Chicago, Illinois 60640 ∙ 773-307-8664 gary@firewhenreadypottery.com |