Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: flowers, friends, soda-fired, stamped, vases

With a threat of overnight frost killing off her flowers, looks like Rosene made herself a cute little arrangement of homegrown flowers in one of my stamped & soda-fired vases! Just trying to keep her summer flowers goin’ a bit longer…

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

Another early start for another beautiful sunrise bike ride. Some people have asked “what time I start to ride”… and it kinda depends on the season & when the actual sunrise is… as the “pretty part” where the colors all change is about a half hour before the sun actual crests the horizon. Currently, because the sunrise is so late… I’m heading out when it is still pitch black about 5:45am. As you can see the dark skyline shots that were taken this morning just past my turn-around point about 10 miles in. Then I pedal towards home hoping to catch the “actual” sunrise before I get there. I’m one of the few people who actually look forward to the Fall time change… as it effectively gives me another hour in my morning before I need to head-off to work! More time to play along the lake & enjoy the sunrise!!! Sure, it’s early… but look at this!!!

Categories: classes, food

Well, it looks like “Birthday Week” may have continued into “Birthday Two-Weeks”?! Tonight in my pottery class, one of my students Laury brought in “belated” birthday sweets… homemade OREO Rice Krispie Treats! While another student Katie found some imported mini-OREOs as a belated gift! Thanks you two… I have the BEST students ever!!!

Categories: sunrise

Looks like the start of another beautiful Fall day. Sure, lots of leaves fell over the weekend… but we still have plenty of green leaves waiting to change! Should be another beautiful week for Fall color-watching!

Categories: nature, seasons

This may have been the “perfect” Fall colors weekend here in Chicago. Which was reason enough for me to head out for a hike in the woods yesterday. It started out nice & sunny, but all too soon the clouds moved in late afternoon. Gray skies… but still beautiful Fall colors!

Categories: bike, sunrise

With a pile of clouds along the horizon, today started with some early morning drama… some colorful cloud-play… a chill in the air… and then the sun went back behind the clouds. The colors may have dissipated, but it made an appearance again when it finally made it “over” the clouds!

Categories: sunrise

With a pile of low-flying clouds on the horizon this morning, it took awhile for the sun to work its way through. But it was well worth it!

Categories: flowers, soda-fired, stamped, vases

My last bouquet of flowers from the Andersonville Farmers Market for the summer. The dahlias were already gone by the time I got there… so I bought this textural mix of late summer blooms, grasses & a few stalks of small kale. Luckily, I had the perfect oval vase ready to go!!!

Categories: food, platters, stamped, textures

Yesterday was the last Andersonville Farmers Market of the season… and I had to swing by to “stock-up” on a few things that might last me awhile. Including some apples fresh from the orchard. My plan was to get one apple of several different varieties to try some new flavors. It wasn’t until I got home and put them out on this platter that I “realized” that I have no idea what kind each one is?! So if I do LOVE a new variety… I’ll have no idea what kind it is!!! ugh.

Categories: The Ghouls Collection

Special THANKS to everyone who “grabbed a Ghoul” last night for the kick-off of my GHOULS & PUMPKINS SALE only on my Facebook pottery page. Quite a few found new homes… some joining a collection, others starting a collection! Either way, there are still some great pieces up for grabs. So scroll back to last night’s Facebook post with the “official” Photo Album to shop from… and decide if you’re feeling Ghoulish or not!!!

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