Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: classes, food

So we had another “yellow towel situation” in class tonight. I was sharing another package of THE MOST OREOs… but then Carly showed up & pushed us over the top!!! My students are the best!!!

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped

Making a few more stamped mugs on another Mugshot Monday!
Score, slip, attach, repeat… MUGS!!!

Categories: platters, pottery, stamped

A fun little set of green stamped dessert plates… just waiting for a slice of cake, piece of pie, a bunch of brownies, or a pile of OREOs if you’re getting all fancy on me!

Categories: bowls, surface decoration, textures, tools

I was also pondering what to do with that slip-stenciled rectangle inside one of the class demo bowls. Do I try to stamp it?… or carry-on with my carving spree??? So I continued playing with my DiamondCore Tools and carved out this pattern inside the rectangle. I wanted to accentuate the rectangle, but give it something fun to play with the glazes later!

Categories: bowls, surface decoration, tools

I also felt like this bowl with an ombre’ blend of white & iron red colored slips needed a little sumthin’-sumthin’. So I took out another one of my DiamondCore Tools to do some more carving through the slips. This time a bit of a freeform, organic kind of motif. Thicker grooves that will allow the glaze to pool nicely inside the carving lines… while the slip ombre’ will show through the glaze!

Categories: bowls, patterns, surface decoration, tools

I took one of my class demo bowls that was covered with white slip & a few banded details… and started carving into it. Love my DiamondCore Tools for clean & crisp carving lines. Going right through the leatherhard white slip & digging into the darker clay body for a nice contrast. The details & pattern will look great after glazing… as the color difference & grooved carving lines work well with the glaze!

Categories: bowls, stamped, surface decoration

After my class demo on Tuesday night, I had a table full of “not-so-basic” bowls up in my studio for a little more refining… and “quite possibly” a bit of stamping. Allegedly!

So I did a bit of stamping… altered some of the rims a bit more… added some more details & accents. As you know… MORE IS MORE!!!

Categories: challenge, classes, creativity, inspiration

Now that all of my students have their “assignment”… I can finally reveal what was in all those white envelopes last week… and the final “Big Build” project for my GREAT LILLSTREET THROWDOWN class! It’s about “time”!
So they each chose a white envelope which revealed a famous cartoon show. And then they found out what they had to do with it… “time” for the project info!

Turns out it’s “time” for them to build a working CLOCK!!!

And oh but wait there’s more… their clock has to be based on the cartoon that they chose. They can choose any elements from their cartoon… actual characters, logo, colors, vibe, style, environment, etc. … as long as it’s indicative of the cartoon!!! The goal is for them all to have this “Big Build” CLOCK done, glazed & working for their final critique in Week 10 of class! Not a “minute” to spare!

Categories: challenge, food

But then another pack showed up in my studio too!!!
WHOO-HOO again!

So it looks like we have TWO winners this time! Two packs of THE MOST OREOS and two FREE MUGS!!! Congratulations & thanks to Laury… one of my former students for bringing in another package of “limited edition” yumminess!

And yes, they are YUMMY!!! So much filling that they actually “squish” a bit when you bite into them!!!

Categories: challenge, food, friends, mugs

So while I was working on these new mugs… look what showed up!!! WHOO-HOO!!! I had a surprise visit from master tile-maker Mike Skiersch bearing a pack of the newest flavor of OREO’s!!! Which also means he WON a free mug… as I had posted that challenge a couple days ago!!!