Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: family, food

Looks like Kim & Don have cooked-up a little “hot dish” tuna casserole for a chilly Saturday evening’s meal. Although from what I’ve heard… it’s mostly for Don, as Kim is not a big fan of “hot tuna fish.” And yes, I’m kinda right there with ya’ Kim!!!

But the casserole dish looks great!!!

Categories: friends

Looks like another fortune cookie was found today up at Illinois Beach State Park! Good find Michael… thanks for playing!!!

Categories: bowls, family, food

Who knew that I could feed my Thin Mint “addiction” even when the Girl Scouts aren’t in cookie selling mode?! NOT ME!!!

At least until I received this great “care package” Christmas gift from my cousins in Minnesota! They knew it would be a hit… as their daughter Caroline used to be my “Thin Mint Hook-up” back when she was still a Girl Scout!

Categories: challenge

Looks like another one has been found! Adam “returned to the scene” after randomly finding a fortune cookie last year… and then searched online to find me. So now that his kids know about the fortune cookies… the hunt is on!!!

According to Adam…
“My son Harper found the one next to the yucca plant. He couldn’t have been more excited and proud. His sister Delaney hopes to return and try for one for herself! They had a great time with the hunt. Feel free to share their photos if you’d like. Thanks, Gary!”

Categories: bowls, food

Looks like Matthew has started his New Year off on the right foot… eating healthy with fresh greens in a homemade broth. A bit too GREEN for my liking… as I’m still trying to “finish up” my holidays. Too many sweets, too many treats!!! My holiday “fun” will come to an end on Monday when I get back to my normal routine! ugh.

Categories: food, platters, stamped

Looks like there’s ALWAYS room for cake!!! Diane is once again showing off some of her pottery collection with a large purple stamped platter… and a beautiful vanilla bean cake!

I kinda just want to run my fingers through that frosting!!!

Categories: Uncategorized

Looks like another fortune cookie was found at Illinois Beach State Park today This time by my “new best friend” Heidi that I met out there so randomly while I was hiding them on New Years Day! Even more random… she found one two years ago too… well before she knew the story behind them!!!

Categories: food, platters, pottery, stamped

Cozy, warm & savory… baked Delicata Squash on a stamped plate. Handmade & homemade… always a great dinner combo!

Categories: art fair, friends, My Talented Friends, sculpture

Just two months from today… so I guess it’s time to get back into the studio to start making some new pieces…. and quick!!! I’ve enjoyed the holiday break, but it’s time to get back to work. Especially with this big show right around the corner with my talented friends Sarah Chapman, Darlys Ewoldt & Robin Kittleson!

March 3rd, 4th & 5th, 2023 in Evanstonmore details to come!

Categories: bowls, stamped, textures

After a long string of home shows, dinners, treats, cheesecakes, holidays, get-togethers & more… looks like I suddenly have a stack of handmade bowls in my kitchen straight from the dishwasher to celebrate another Texture Tuesday!