Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: food, mugs

Looks like Diane is enjoying some Sunday sweets… cake & frosting… two of my favorite things! Paired with some coffee… not my thing… in one of my shamrock mugs from last year… definitely one of my favorite things!!!

Mental note to self… gotta make more shamrock mugs for THIS year!!!

Categories: food, platters, stamped

Getting back in the routine… back in the studio, back to teaching, and back to “trying” to eat a little bit healthier. So unfortunately, I’ve had to replace the cheesecakes with avocados this week!!! HA!!!

Categories: friends

Looks like Dr. Dennis was out hiking & walking his dog Ricky all around Illinois Beach State Park yesterday… and ran across this little fortune cookie! Good to see that there are still a few New Year goodies out there just waiting to be found!

Categories: food

There’s always room for JELL-O!!! Sure, a handmade oval casserole is great for baking a cheesy casserole, scalloped potatoes, or even a loaf of bread… but if you know me… it’s more about JELL-O!!! And if you’ve ever been in my kitchen… you know why!

Categories: mugs, process, production, wheelthrowing

So it’s Monday… and it feels great to be back in the studio being productive again! Getting back into the groove!!! It was a long break, so it feels great to have my hands back in the clay! And to “practice throwing” again… as the new session of classes starts tonight at Lillstreet!!! And I don’t want to look too “rusty” for my Intermediate Wheel students tonight!!!

Categories: sunrise

After a very long stretch of gray & gloomy mornings… feels like a month or more… it was great to FINALLY get a sunrise this morning worth sharing! The first “real” sunrise of 2023!!!

Categories: food, friends, mugs, soda-fired

Warming up a chilly Sunday night… looks like Gerry & Rosene are cooking up some yummy hot cocoa in their new “hybrid” mugs! I mean, who doesn’t like chocolate & marshmallows?!

Categories: bowls, food, friends, stamped

Thanks to my friend Jen for sharing her healthy salad with all of us. Mixing a large salad and serving it to her family… all in my stamped bowls! She even mentioned that maybe I should make some custom salad tongs (my version) to sell with my larger serving bowls!

Would anyone be interested if that were to happen? Thoughts???

Categories: clay, process, studio

After a long & enjoyable holiday break, I figured it was finally time to venture back into the studio to turn out another batch of reclaim clay. It’s been slaking down in my reclaim bin for a little longer than normal… so I actually had to add a little water back in to soften it up a bit… just so I could turn it out to dry it up again!!! HA!!!

Categories: challenge

Looks like Adam and his kids continued the search… and he & daughter Delaney each found a new 2023 for their own collections! So fun that this has become such a family activity! Here’s to the start of a great New Year!