Homemade chocolate cheesecake on a handmade stamped platter. Nothing better than sharing treats from the oven… on top of treats from the kiln! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!
Making pretty… more is more... getting ready for a little family fun this afternoon! Chocolate makes every Christmas better!!!
Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season. Make sure it’s filled with family, friends & plenty of moments to create memories that will last forever! Choose your holiday… make it magical!
Embrace your inner child. Keep your eyes on the skies & your holiday dreams in the stars! Have a wonderful weekend… as Santa is on his way!
Looks like Rosene has been busy in the kitchen making pie for the holidays! Looking extra festive in a stamped pie plate!
Well, all of the ornaments have made it onto the tree… twenty-four days of adding ornaments to my Christmas Advent Calendar.
A beautiful heirloom created by my Grandma Kitty… stitched together one sequin at a time! Always full of fond family memories as Christmas draws closer through the month of December! And it’s finally here…
It’s beginning to look… err, taste a lot like Christmas! A festive white-on-white stamped bowl filled with holiday Hershey’s Kisses! Four fun flavors… Mint, Hot Cocoa, Cherry Cordial & Sugar Cookie!
Hard to choose a favorite… but I’m going MINT!!!
Celebrating today with an unadorned aluminum pole… “I find tinsel distracting!”… The Airing of Grievances & Feats of Strength. Here’s hoping you & your family “enjoy” this oh-so-special holiday… and keep an old cassette tape recorder handy just in case!
Looks like another collection of my wheelthrown Christmas Trees have made their way down to Orlando! Thanks for sharing your ever-growing collection with us… and the wonderful “disclaimer” you added at the bottom!!! You’re too funny Anna!
Some of my favorite pottery pieces from my Matthew Metz pottery collection… and a cute handmade Santa from my good friend Nancy. It was Nancy’s “fault” in the first place when she suggested we take a pottery class together so many years ago during a bike ride. And look at me now… collecting pottery & making a LOT of pottery too!!!