Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: food, holiday, platters, stamped

Homemade chocolate cheesecake on a handmade stamped platter. Nothing better than sharing treats from the oven… on top of treats from the kiln! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!

Categories: food, holiday, platters

Making pretty… more is more... getting ready for a little family fun this afternoon! Chocolate makes every Christmas better!!!

Categories: holiday

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season. Make sure it’s filled with family, friends & plenty of moments to create memories that will last forever! Choose your holiday… make it magical!

Categories: holiday

Embrace your inner child. Keep your eyes on the skies & your holiday dreams in the stars! Have a wonderful weekend… as Santa is on his way!

Categories: food, friends, holiday

Looks like Rosene has been busy in the kitchen making pie for the holidays! Looking extra festive in a stamped pie plate!

Categories: family, holiday

Well, all of the ornaments have made it onto the tree… twenty-four days of adding ornaments to my Christmas Advent Calendar.

A beautiful heirloom created by my Grandma Kitty… stitched together one sequin at a time! Always full of fond family memories as Christmas draws closer through the month of December! And it’s finally here…

Categories: bowls, food, holiday

It’s beginning to look… err, taste a lot like Christmas! A festive white-on-white stamped bowl filled with holiday Hershey’s Kisses! Four fun flavors… Mint, Hot Cocoa, Cherry Cordial & Sugar Cookie!

Hard to choose a favorite… but I’m going MINT!!!

Categories: holiday

Celebrating today with an unadorned aluminum pole… “I find tinsel distracting!”… The Airing of Grievances & Feats of Strength. Here’s hoping you & your family “enjoy” this oh-so-special holiday… and keep an old cassette tape recorder handy just in case!

Categories: holiday

Looks like another collection of my wheelthrown Christmas Trees have made their way down to Orlando! Thanks for sharing your ever-growing collection with us… and the wonderful “disclaimer” you added at the bottom!!! You’re too funny Anna!

Categories: friends, holiday, pottery

Some of my favorite pottery pieces from my Matthew Metz pottery collection… and a cute handmade Santa from my good friend Nancy. It was Nancy’s “fault” in the first place when she suggested we take a pottery class together so many years ago during a bike ride. And look at me now… collecting pottery & making a LOT of pottery too!!!