Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: sunrise

Colorful clouds graced the skies this morning… gently blowing through the City. Warmer temps are headed our way. Looks like beautiful weather for today & through the weekend. Methinks this might be our favorite “Indian Summer” weekend?

Well THAT doesn’t sound too “politically correct” these days?… is there a new phrase for this gorgeous weather weekend that I haven’t heard of yet??? Or is this one still okay to use?

Categories: nature, seasons

Beautiful, but the leaves are dropping fast!
Hopefully they can hang on at least for one more beautiful weekend?!

Categories: stamped, surface decoration, vases

No chance for a sunrise on this overly cloudy morning, so I did some early-morning stamping instead! No sweat… literally.

Categories: nature, seasons

After a couple days of cold gray skies, it was so nice to see the sun again today! Just in time to catch some of the fantastic Fall colors still hanging on!

Categories: food, friends

So my friend Pam has a “slightly unhealthy obsession” with Chapstick… and you already know of my “ever-so-slight-addiction”… so imagine my laughter & surprise when our mutual friend Judy gave this to me last night!!! Like an unhealthy love-child of Pam & mine!!! HA!!!

Categories: classes, food

So last night in class there “may have been” another yellow towel situation… it’s been too long!

Categories: vases, wheelthrowing

Just a little early-morning wheelthrowing to kick-start the day!

Categories: mugs

Looks like another stamped mug is headed off to another happy home… “peace”fully celebrating another Mugshot Monday!

Categories: food, friends

Well, my “Birthday Week” started with a Marathon… and ended with this yummy monstrosity!!! Yummy ice cream & hot fudge at Carl’s Ice Cream with friends!!! It’s been a great week!!!

Categories: sunset

As the sun slowly sets on the end of another wonderful weekend somewhere in the middle of nowhere! A much needed weekend getaway…