So now that we’ve got a bunch of mugs, it’s time to add some colored flashing slip accents. If all goes as planned, these slips should change to brighter colors in the soda kiln. I know it doesn’t look like orange right now, but this mug should when it comes out of the kiln! Fingers crossed…
Whew… handles attached so now we have MUGS!!! Just in time for another MUGSHOT MONDAY!!! A lot of scoring & slipping… over & over again… one mug at a time. Making sure each handle is attached firmly and blended in smoothly.
Handles pulled… and loving the shadows!!! After I pull the handles, I like to loop them over so they can “set-up” in close to the right shape. Then when they are no longer sticky, I can start attaching them to the stamped & trimmed cylinders!
Here we go… time to make some handles!
I’ve got a bunch of stamped & trimmed mug cylinders just waiting to be come MUGS!!!
Because we all know that a mug without a handle is NOT a mug!!!
After an incredibly warm & sunny weekend… so beautiful… I finally got one of my dahlias to bloom! My fault for not getting it started early enough… and for those who remember, having a tree branch fall on the plant didn’t help either! But it was well worth the wait!
Mental note to self… plant more dahlias & start sooner next year!
Stamping mugs again… using my own handmade clay stamps to make the impressions. I press them in when the clay is a soft-leatherhard. Still a little malleable, but not at all sticky. If the pots dry out too much, the stamp won’t go in deep enough to make a good impression.
MUG 1 –
MUG 2 –
MUG 3 –
MUG 4 –
MUG 5 –
MUG 6 –
MUG 7 –
MUG 8 –
MUG 9 –
Next up we need to do some trimming… carving out a footring on the bottom! Then a few handles… and voila’... soon we’ll have more mugs!!!
Another warm morning with a bit of a breeze! Leaves were blowing around everywhere!!! I just hope they don’t all come off the trees today. I want these pretty Fall colors to hang on a lot longer!
All stamped & detailed with colored flashing slip. Set aside for the night as they start to dry… for an upcoming bisque kiln! Meanwhile, freshly thrown pots cover my work table hoping that they stiffen up enough overnight so I can stamp them tomorrow!
So I worked in my studio all morning…
but with today’s FANTASTIC summer temperatures…
how can I be expected to stay inside?! I CAN’T!!!
So… I went for a fantastic bike ride outside all afternoon.
Loving the colors. Loving the weather.
Loving the freedom on my bike!
And now back to the studio for the evening…