Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: classes, process, surface decoration, textures

Last week in my SURFACE DECORATIONS class, I showed my students how to use sprigs to decorate their bowls. Basically, a sprig is the “opposite” of a stamp… where you press clay into these handmade “molds”… pop them out… and then score & slip them onto the bowls. So sprigs “stick out”… whereas my usual stamping in more “pressed in.” Kinda fun… we’ll see how this looks after some glaze plays with the new textured surface!

Categories: food, platters, soda-fired, stamped, textures

A yummy breakfast looks even yummier on handmade pottery! Looks like Rosene’s day is off to a great start… crispy, creamy & cheesy. What’s not to like?!

Categories: flowers, nature

Another late night of teaching at Lillstreet… with some beautiful crabapple blossoms in the darkness, highlighted by the corner street lamp as I left to head home. With overnight winds & upcoming rain predicted, I fear this might be the end of the crabapple blooms?!

Categories: bike, sunrise

So excited to have warm overnight temperatures last night, so this morning’s ride was surprisingly warm & comfortable too. Sure, the clouds weren’t overly dramatic this morning… but it felt great to be back on my bike without so many warm layers, gloves or even rain gear!!!

Categories: art fair, flower pots, flowers, friends, garden, pottery

Well, the weekend is finally getting here…. as is SPRING!!! So it’s perfect timing for the PLANTS & POTTERY POP-UP SALE! Lots of homegrown plants & handmade pottery to decorate your home, garden, office… anywhere! & everywhere!! This Friday & Saturday from 9:00am-4:00pm in Bartonville, Illinois! C’mon down…

2314 Skyway Road, Bartonville, Illinois 61607

Categories: nature, sunrise

Magical morning moments along the lake. Sunrise streaming through dandelion seeds. Take time to appreciate the smaller moments of your day.

Categories: bike, sunrise

Crisp & clear… a nice change from the balmy heatwave we had over the weekend. Not a lot of clouds this morning, but we did get a nice sunrise “reveal.”

Categories: art fair

PLANTS & POTTERY POP-UP… I see a sign….
something BIG must be happening!!!!

Today & tomorrow from 9:00am-4:00pm.
Plenty of plants & pottery for everyone!

Categories: weather

Dramatic clouds rolling across the farm fields while driving this morning. From a distance you could literally see the “edge” of the cloud cover moving in! Yet unlike the evening news, there was no line of arrows along the edge?!

Categories: architecture, rusty

Looks like a strong wind must have come through… and sadly,
it looks like my favorite rustic roadside barn is starting to fall apart?!