Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: flowers, textures

Pretty little pink pokers… a pop of color & some fun natural textures for another Texture Tuesday!

Categories: stamped, textures, vases

Celebrating another TEXTURE TUESDAY with a collection of my stamped & soda-fired square vases. The textures are fun… especially because there’s a different textured pattern on the other side of each vase!!! Get tired of one side?… just turn it around.

Categories: flowers, garden

Looks like this might be my final dahlia in the garden, but it sure is a STUNNER… well worth the wait!!! And another great opportunity for a natural TEXTURE TUESDAY!

Categories: bike

Pretty much sums up my life!
Now if I could just find that groovy outfit?!

Categories: classes, food

Sometimes they’re just perfect for that special occasion!
We “may have”… “allegedly”… “hypothetically”… “quite possibly” enjoyed these in class tonight… “maybe.”

Shhh… don’t tell anyone, ‘cuz we’re not supposed to have shared snacks in class any more… darn Covid precautions!

Categories: bowls, classes, wheelthrowing

So tonight’s class demo was a large serving bowl… as part of Shannon’s request. She was thinking maybe 10-pounds of clay for a large bowl for making bread?! So we went for it… but decided to go with nine pounds as ten just sounded too big?! HA!!!

Categories: food, special events

One way to make your special day even more special is FREE ICE CREAM!!! Sure, it might be a lot… but no one ever said you couldn’t go to more than one location, right?! I called this “dinner” on my way to the studio to teach class tonight… I feel sorry for my students when all this sugar kicks in… this might be a bumpy ride!!!

Jeni’s #1… on Wells in Old Town!

Jeni’s #2… on Southport

Jeni’s #3… on Clark at Wrigley

Categories: bowls, classes, stamped, textures

I tried my best to “save” some of the demo bowls from last week for my Tuesday night class… so I could continue the demo with decorating some of them with my students. I tried to wait… I tried to keep a few... but I just couldn’t. The bowls were starting to dry out and I didn’t want to wait too long… I hope they understand that I had to stamp without them! I’ll still bring them to class to show them what I did while they were gone!

Categories: art fair, artists

I just had something new “pop-up” on my calendar…
and I’m hoping it will “pop-up” on yours too!!!
More details to come…

Categories: clay, process, studio

Goopey-gloppy fun! Another wonderful pile of reclaimed clay. Lots of scraps, trimmings & dried clay reconstituted into new clay!!! Now I just need to let it sit here on my plaster bat for a few days to help suck out the extra moisture… and then it’s just a LOT of wedging until it’s back to good re-usable FREE CLAY!