Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations

With ART IN THE GARDEN just a few weeks away, the artists are all working on their collaboration projects! Part of the novelty & fun of this art fair is that the artists get to play together & make unique artwork just for this show. Looks like Mary Foster has been doing some doodles… getting ready for our upcoming collaboration!

Categories: art fair, collaborations, stamped, vases

After a little stamping & detailing with colored flashing slips…
these cutie-patooties are going into a kiln soon. Just trying to get them done quickly so they can move along in the process… as there’s a “very good chance” they might just be a part of a collaboration project for ART IN THE GARDEN!

Categories: artists, creativity

Always fun to receive the next packet of postcards from The Postcard Club! A little retro flashback fun of actually putting pen to paper & mailing out some postcards through snail mail. This quarter we received these beautiful cards with a creative twist… kind of a woodcut, retro illustration style!

Categories: platters, stamped, textures

Just finished stamping up another platter… with just one handmade stamp over & over again! Just in time for another Texture Tuesday!

Categories: flowers

So the pepperomia plant that I got a couple sessions ago as a “last class trade” prize in a handmade ceramic planter from Christine seems to be doing well… not sure WHAT it’s doing?… but it looks promising. Maybe a lot of new leaves popping up? Just some cool curled red-ness? Either way, it makes for another good “natural” Texture Tuesday!

Categories: sunrise

A simple sunrise.
Simple reflections.
Simple morning moments.
Just simple.

Categories: art fair, collaborations, vases, wheelthrowing

Making some more mini’s while “throwing off the hump” with my class last week. There’s a pretty good chance these might just make it into some sort of “collaboration situation” with ART IN THE GARDEN coming up pretty soon!

Categories: animals, flowers, lillstreet, summer camp

Enjoying a little sunshine this afternoon lunching on the Lillstreet Rooftop with my Summer Campers… along with a black swallowtail butterfly who seems to be enjoying his floral lunch as well.

Categories: bike, sunrise

A bit of a chilly start this morning with low-flying clouds & a mere 65-degrees! Still a beautiful sunrise ride… warming up a bit as I pedaled along the lakefront.

Categories: Chicago, weather

Like walking on sunshine… whoa ho… and don’t it feel GOOD!!!
– sing it Katrina & The Waves!