Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: kiln firing

These pyrometric cones were in the kiln for our SODA-FIRING WORKSHOP last weekend… looks like we went a little bit past cone ten?! What with my “newbies” learning & helping to put the soda mixture into the kiln… we may have gone a little slower than normal. The pots turned out great… so apparently a little hotter with a “flat” cone 10 didn’t matter too much!!!

Categories: bowls, glaze, process

When a basket handle comes tumbling down!!! Well, I kinda knew it would. When I got this basket bowl out of the bisque, there was a small one-inch piece “missing” and sitting down inside the bowl. Sadly, I recall “allegedly” trying to put a kiln shelf in and having it “bump” a basket handle because I didn’t measure the height so well. Guess that “bump” broke the handle!!! Whoops!

But, when I was glazing, the missing piece still fit into the gap and gravity held it in pretty snug. I decided to go for it. I glazed the pot, the missing piece, and wedged them together… and gave it all a second dip to help seal it together. I had my fingers crossed… but wasn’t too surprised to see it had fallen out during the firing.

What did surprise me though was the way one side of the broken handle totally “imploded” and fell right into the bowl!!! TIMBER!!!

Categories: animals, artists, inspiration

Kinda diggin’ how the afternoon sun is streaming in through the blinds in Lisa’s studio next to mine… and the sun dots making their way through are lining up just perfectly on the cool skull on her wall.

Categories: flowers, garden, seasons

It’s the FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!! Finally…
and I’m so excited to see some pops of color breaking through in my front yard. Looks like the periwinkle vinca vine is off to a good start!

Categories: handbuilding, mugs, patterns, pottery, soda-fired, textures, wheelthrowing

Here’s a quick glimpse at some of my new “handbuilt-wheelthrown-combo” mugs… fresh from the soda kiln! I did a couple demos for my classes this session that “sparked” my need to make more of these textured mugs! Sure, some of them are a bit larger than maybe they should be… sometimes a class demo can get a little out of control. But I am loving how these turned out… so I’m sure I’ll be making another batch or five!

Categories: lillstreet, pottery

You gotta love some free pottery! Especially fun on this cool weathered window ledge in the back alley behind Lillstreet Art Center. An ever-changing assortment of seconds, demos & cast-offs from some of the potters & students at Lillstreet. It’s “grab-n-go” fun for everyone!!!

Categories: flowers

My fourth cactus is blooming too! At first I didn’t even know there was a difference between Thanksgiving Cactus, Christmas Cactus & Easter Cactus?! Well, apparently there is… and I found these little cuties on the discount shelf at a greenhouse a couple months back with a tag that said “Spring Cactus”? So I scooped them up… and I’m sure it’s the flower pots that are making them look so healthy & happy!

Categories: flowers

Morning sun streaming in & splashing upon these colorful cactus flowers. So excited that these little cuties are blooming these days… making me smile as we slowly head into Spring!

Categories: flowers

More cactus flowers blooming these days…
must be the handmade flower pots that are making them so happy?!

Categories: flowers

More cactus blooming in today’s bright sun! Excited that these Spring Cactus… aka Easter Cactus… are making a colorful splash in my dining room these days! One more reminder that I am more than ready for Spring!!!