Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: seasons, weather

After about two hours of shoveling, I finally uncovered my car!

Not so bad once you get started… and a good sense of accomplishment as you start to see car & pavement once again! At least until the next snow plow decides to pile more snow back on your car!!! Ugh… good thing I kinda enjoy shoveling!!!

Categories: nature, seasons, weather

Yep, there’s a car under there somewhere!
We got a ton of snow overnight… I’d guess about 24-inches!!!
Beautiful white fluffy snow. So pretty out there… as long as you don’t need to go anywhere.

Luckily, Lillstreet Art Center cancelled all classes again today…
so no class to teach tonight!!! More time to play!

Categories: sculpture, seasons, weather

Frozen moments on my porch. Plenty of ice & snow… considering it’s “protected” by the roof. So no huge snow accumulation here… but everywhere else we got PLENTY!!! I think it might be time to venture out with my shovel again…

Categories: nature, seasons, textures, weather

Frozen “rivers” running down the bricks of my condo!
Not quite right… but still quite beautiful!!!
Picture perfect for another Texture Tuesday!

Categories: handbuilding, mugs, textures, wheelthrowing

In my Thursday morning pottery class, I did a little demo of my wheelthrown & handbuilt “combo” textured mugs. Well, they’re all assembled and I just dipped them in colored flashing slip. I didn’t want a bunch of crazy drips to run down onto the trimmed bottom… so I supported them upside-down on kiln posts until the slip set-up a bit.

Categories: nature, seasons, weather

Still coming down… with predictions for even more!!!
It’s a beautiful Winter Wonderland out there…
as long as you don’t need to travel very far in it?!

Stay warm. Stay safe!

Categories: nature, seasons, weather

The snow is still coming down & the wind is picking up!!!
Fun playing outside… gonna need to shovel again later…
which means more hot chocolate…
which means more MARSHMALLOWS!!!

Categories: friends, mugs, pottery, stamped

And to quote a text from my friend Pammy…
“Your mug brightens my ho-hum day.”

Glad I could be there for her!!!

Categories: glaze, mugs, stamped

And while we’re struggling under another big blanket of snow here in Chicago… here’s a little Mugshot Monday shout-out from sunny Puerto Rico!!! That mug looks pretty happy hanging out in that exotic location!

Thanks Katherine for sharing your mug & your sunshine with us!!!

Categories: food, glaze, mugs, pottery, stamped

More snow means more shoveling… which also means more hot chocolate!!! Which is really just the “vehicle” to get more marshmallows into my mouth!!!

Luckily, I have more in the kitchen… as pottery classes at Lillstreet have been cancelled for tonight & tomorrow morning due to the snowstorm!!!