What an ADORABLE way to start my day!
With an “adorable” preschool teacher (and an “adorable” assistant) reading a book to her class kids on a YouTube video! She reads “Bear Snores On”… and talks about drinking warm beverages when it’s cold outside. Then she shows off some of her favorite mugs… and lookey there… MINE is one of them!!! Thanks for sharing Jody…. and great story too!!!
Perfect timing for another MUGSHOT MONDAY!!!
But my favorite part is that she holds up the bottom of my mug to show the preschoolers my name… upside-down and CURSIVE!!! Like they even know what cursive is… them or thousands of other school kids these days!!! Ha!!!
Click here for the link to the YouTube video if you want to watch “Miss Jody” read the bok and show -off some of her favorite mugs!!!