Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: rusty, textures

You know how much I LOVE rusty metal…
so it’s perfect for another TEXTURE TUESDAY!

Categories: bowls, color, sgraffito, tools

Sure, I could have left this bowl with the simple ombre colors gradating from blue to orange… but MORE IS MORE, right?! So I decided to do a little carving through the colored slip with my DiamondCore Tools instead!

Categories: bowls, classes, color

Huh?… who knew that I would “match” my bowl so well today?! A couple colored slips from last week’s class demo… and an ice-dyed shirt from quarantine… finally get to meet!

Categories: color, nature

After pedaling all day & enjoying my free ice cream… I drove out for family night in the suburbs! I couldn’t help but stop & swerve to the curb when I saw this PERFECT MOMENT!!! The colors, the trees, the reflection… MOTHER NATURE IS AMAZING!!!

Categories: food, holiday

And what better way to make your BIG DAY “sweeter”…
than FREE ICE CREAM at Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams!

You get a free trio of ice creams on your birthday… so I went TWICE!!!
No one ever said you couldn’t go to more than one location, right?!!!
and you know we all love FREE!!!

Categories: bike, holiday, nature, seasons

To help celebrate my big day yesterday, I set out to enjoy another beautiful day of Indian Summer. I just LOVE this week of gorgeous days with amazing Fall colors. It’s been a great week to be “celebrating” & playing hooky during the day! Riding north along the lake took me up though Openlands Lakeshore Preserve to enjoy the lake, the trees, the colors, the freedom… and just being out there enjoying it ALL!!!

Another AMAZING day playing outside in Nature!!!

Categories: architecture, nature

My day started off yesterday with a crisp start to a beautiful Fall day. I hopped on my bike to pedal north for the day… with a quick stop at the Baha’i Temple in Wilmette. Such an amazing building… even better when surrounded with blue skies & warm Fall colors.

I even found a piece of history in back where they show off one of the original “test pieces” to create this magnificent building!

Categories: holiday, inspiration
Categories: bike, color, nature

Monochromatic morning… my red bike by a beautiful big red tree! This tree… these colors!!! Mother Nature is AMAZING!

Categories: bike, sunrise

So nice to have warm mornings back… good to go sleeveless jersey & bike shorts again! No gloves this morning. Just a serene pastoral haze that took awhile for the sun to burn through. But it came up like a big red rubber ball… reflections bouncing on the water!