I hope you all had a fun candy-filled day… safe & distant!!!
Trimmed, stamped & top rings attached…
and now they’re starting to look more like Christmas ornaments, right?!
A lot of leaves have already fallen… but I think I found one of the nicest red trees along the lake! Still hanging on… a monochromatic moment along the bike trail.
You gotta love the fantastic colors that magically appear
during the Autumn season.
Another beautiful afternoon bike ride. So happy that there are still Fall colors hanging onto some of the trees. And that late afternoon lighting just made them STUNNING!!! Sure… I should have been in the studio working… but c’mon… look at this!!!
How could I miss out? It will be gone all too soon!
After my sgraffito demo Thursday morning, I also did a quick stamping demo for them as well. One stamped impression at a time… one after another… all the way around!
In my Advanced Wheel class on Thursday, I did a little sgraffito demo for them on the demo platter I had thrown the week before. It’s a little different as I’m used to white clay with a dark slip… whereas this one is a dark clay with a light slip. I used a colored flashing slip, so “the plan” is that this will go into a soda kiln at some point… just to see what happens. I’m not sure the carving is done yet… but this is as far as I got during the class demo with my DiamondCore Carving Tools. I’ll do a bit more carving & cleaning up before I let it start drying.
So it’s quite fitting that we had a beautiful orange sky this morning! Not any clouds, just some crashing waves, tree silhouettes & flashing lighthouses! Have a beautiful day of trick-or-treating… stay safe!!!
It started out as a cold & clear morning sky… with some low-flying clouds to delay the sunrise! But then by the time I got down to the City, a large mass of clouds blew in from the west. Sure, the chilly breeze was coming in that way too… but it sure made for an interesting & colorful sky show over the City!
Doing some more repetitive stamping on a couple larger pieces tonight… row by row, layer by layer… one stamp at a time!