Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: classes, platters, wheelthrowing

This morning with my Intermediate Wheelthrowing class, we tackled how to throw good plates & platters. A dinner with a smoothly curved flange, and a larger platter with a flared out rim. One with a nice spiral, the other with concentric circles just to mix it up a bit!!!

Categories: bowls, food, friends

How do you make a stamped blue bowl look even better?… fill it with peanut butter ice cream, that’s how! Looks like it’s just missing the gobs of hot fudge… or maybe that’s just me?! Looking good Kristy! Thanks for sharing.

Categories: handbuilding, summer camp, terra cotta

This past week was another wonderful week of Summer Camp with the kids! It was FIRE, FORGE & FEAST where they each make a full thematic dinnerware set… more photos & stories to come! We had to make a few “alterations” to the usual FF&F plan due to the pandemic & more, but they adapted & did a great job.

And then somewhere along the way,
I apparently got a little sidetracked & addicted to making spoons?!!!

Categories: art fair

Mark your calendars… we’re going for out first outdoor art fair next weekend – HINSDALE FINE ARTS SHOW August 15th & 16th.

The Hinsdale Chamber of Commerce has developed a full “covid-plan” to keep everyone safe as we’re venturing into uncharted territory! Well-spaced booths, plenty of social-distancing, masks & disinfecting. I will be back in my usual booth space with lots of pots & lots of safety precautions. I look forward to seeing all of my friends & followers who have locked-down and need a good reason to come outside to see some art. I would love to see everyone… even if it is just from the mask on up!!!

Categories: friends, pottery

A sweet little morning moment… my friend Allison starting her morning in her new house! Celebrating with a little pottery to kick-off her day. Before the unpacking continues…

Categories: bike, sunrise

Another clear morning along the lakefront. Not many clouds for the sun to play with… just a few low-flying puffs that made it just at the right time!

Categories: YouTube

I mean, really… this little girl just made my night!!! Tell me that each of us hasn’t had this very meltdown like once a week for the past five months!!! Seriously… even the ice cream truck is shut down!!! HA!!! So adorable!

Categories: art fair, artists, collaborations

Very exciting to see that one of my fellow ART IN THE GARDEN artists is already planning his part of the collaboration! Woodworker Ken Staggs busy at work on his first “prototype” idea!

Categories: art fair, bowls, collaborations, friends, handbuilding, My Talented Friends

Here’s a sneak peek at what my “cohort in collaborations” has been up to … looks like Cory McCrory has been working on our newest collaboration for this year’s ART IN THE GARDEN. Each year we do a special project together just for this one special art fair in Glenview! I’m sure there will be more photos to come… but for now it looks like Cory is keeping her secret project pieces “under wraps”!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Not a cloud in the sky. Simple. Clear. Serene.
Just a little marine haze to start off the day followed by beautiful sunrise reflections at North Avenue Beach… oh, and a couple geese!