Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: flowers, garden, nature

Another beautiful floral display on the street corner… but for some reason these hollyhocks always remind me of my Grandma Kitty. I’m not sure that she even had them in her garden?… it’s just that I kinda think they’re somehow “vintage” flowers?! Kinda like “everyone’s” Grandma should have had them!!!

Categories: food, garden, stamped

A handmade pie plate never looked quite so healthy… of course I’d prefer PIE!!! Who wouldn’t?! But these fresh veggies look pretty darn tasty too… of course I accredit that to the pottery, not that healthy stuff!

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

So the overnight forecast was rain all night into the morning hours… but as the eternal optimist, I decided to set my alarm just in case the rain passed through earlier. And it did!!! The roads were dry so I threw on my bike gear & headed out… still LOTS of clouds! But no rain as predicted.. and sadly NO SUNRISE!!!

Categories: pottery, process, production, studio, tools
Categories: bowls, production, studio

Working in the studio this afternoon finishing up a few things, doing a bit of stamping, and making another batch of bowls… while soaking up as much FREE air conditioning as possible!!!

Categories: animals, Chicago, nature

On my way home, I also saw this guy cooling off at Jackson Harbor. Always fun to see a Great Blue Heron hanging out in the water fishing. Keenly watching the water waiting for breakfast! I’m always amazed at how large they are, kinda prehistoric… and that we have them in the City?!

Categories: bike, Chicago, inspiration

Luckily, when I made it down to the South Shore Cultural Center, there was a bit of welcoming shade amongst their colonnade. And then the grounds keepers just happened to turn on the sprinklers for the golf course as I was hanging out there… and the answer is YES!!!

When in Rome, right?!!!

I mean, I was already wet!

Categories: bike, Chicago, sculpture, sunrise

It was also perfect timing to find the Gold Star Families Memorial sculpture all lit up with sunrise reflections. Just south of the Museum Campus, between the harbor and Soldier Field… a fun moment as you pedal up the hill to be greeted by this sunrise surprise!

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

You know it’s gonna be a hot one when you wake up early and it’s already in the 80’s! But because I’m a little crazy, I still put on my bike gear and headed out into the humidity… already SWEATING!!! But I’m glad I did. As I went a bit further than usual and got some great shots downtown at Monroe Harbor as a “huge” sun was coming up through the boats.

And then I figured… I’m already a big sweaty mess, so why not go all the way down to end of the bike trail at the South Shore Cultural Center.

So I did.

Categories: bike, sunrise

Not a cloud in the sky, just some early morning haze. Already a bit humid… you can tell it’s gonna be a hot one today. And although the lifeguard chairs are out there on the beaches… don’t be fooled. The beaches are still officially CLOSED here in Chicago! So no large groups congregating along the Lakefront!