With all of the cleaning & reorganizing going on at Lillstreet Art Center right now…
the pile of potter’s aprons that need to be cleaned just keeps getting bigger & bigger!!!

Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play |
With all of the cleaning & reorganizing going on at Lillstreet Art Center right now…
the pile of potter’s aprons that need to be cleaned just keeps getting bigger & bigger!!!
With plenty of down-time, and a LOT of emphasis on social-distancing, Lillstreet Art Center has been making a lot of changes in preparation for when they do finally get to open up to students again! We’re all so anxious to see everyone, to teach classes, to play in the mud… and to get back to a little bit of normal. Even if it is with a mask from a distance!!!
Still working in the studio on a special commission project… which yes, includes the piece that literally FLEW OFF the wheel while I was working on it a couple days ago! I threw another one as a back-up just in case… but things are fitting together nicely! All under wraps for the night… now I just have to work on the tops tomorrow!!!
Bringing some of Nature’s beauty inside to avoid overnight cold warnings… Tracy was showing off her tulips in her new porcelain vase from my “Quite White Collection.” Love how the colorful tulips really “pop” against the crisp whiteness!
Kinda wondering if I should re-visit this white collection???
It’s been a while.
Yes… I follow Jeff Probst on Instagram.
As well as Survivor… and yes, my favorite Parvati too!!!
Yes, I’m a dork… already established.
But as we head into tonight’s big two-hour finale of SURVIVOR WINNERS AT WAR… followed by the one-hour LIVE REUNION… we all know they’ve got to do something different to be socially-distanced for the Reunion. It looks like it will be a virtual ZOOM kinda situation.
And I know this ONLY because Jeff Probst posted about it on his Instagram page. He shared pictures of how they changed his garage into his “backdrop” for the Reunion!!! Too funny!!!…. and supposedly, it was just him and his 16 year old son building it all & setting up cameras based on the instructions that were in the crates!
After watching the three-hour show… I’m not sure it was worth all of THAT!!! I think we maybe saw Jeff in front of that backdrop for a total of like five minutes tops?!!!
from the funniest comedy ever!!! There, I said it.
I’m a huge “SEINFELD” fan… and we will forever miss Jerry Stiller…
there will never be another Frank Costanza!!! RIP.
Making another TEXTURE TUESDAY happen in the studio.
Just stamping that “replacement†piece I had to make after Sunday’s ZOOM debacle!
And another Mugshot Monday from down south in West Palm Beach… where the weather is apparently warmer, and the quarantine obviously more glamorous than MINE!!! Thanks for sharing your mug & mugshot with all of us Margaret!!!
If you want to make your quarantine a little more glamorous, remember you can now shop online here on my website. You can either click HERE… or click on the “Online Pottery Shopping” in the top right corner tab!
Looks like we have another mug on-the-job AND at shelter-at-home!
Serving double-duty with another online meeting for Mugshot Monday!
Thanks Karen for the photo!
If you’re working double duty and need a new mug for your newly combined “home & office” workspace, remember you can now shop online here on my website. You can either click HERE… or click on the “Online Pottery Shopping” in the top right corner tab!
Not much of a sunrise this morning… I knew that going in!
But after long day of rain yesterday, I just had to get outside to play! It was very cloudy with just a sliver of sunrise potential. It never quite lined-up… but we got a little sunrise drama just the same!
Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
Lillstreet Studios ∙ 4401 North Ravenswood, Chicago, Illinois 60640 ∙ 773-307-8664 gary@firewhenreadypottery.com |