Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bowls, mugs, porcelain, pottery, process, production, stamped, studio

So I finally got “focused” tonight in the studio and started waxing the bottoms of a bunch of pots. I was kinda surprised… there were a lot more than I remembered making?! But they all look like mine…. so… I’ll keep waxing in preparation for a couple LONG glazing sessions to come!

Categories: garden, nature, soda-fired, stamped, textures

Celebrating another TEXTURE TUESDAY with a few spring ferns…
one natural, and one stamped & soda-fired!!!

Categories: flowers, seasons

A little bit of Nature’s beauty on another gray, gloomy & rainy day in Chicago.

Categories: mugs, pottery, soda-fired, stamped

Celebrating another MUGSHOT MONDAY with a few more mugs!
All stamped, soda-fired and ready to go!!!

So if you’re ever looking for a new mug… or bowl, vase, pitcher & more… you can now shop online here on my website! Click on “Online Pottery Shopping” in the top right hand corner!

Categories: mugs, pottery, process, production

My studio plan was to do a bunch of glazing tonight… or at least waxing all of the bottoms… well, THAT didn’t quite happen! They’re still all under wraps to keep the dust from getting on them! Maybe tomorrow will be better. Somehow I got sidetracked on a bunch of other little studio projects?!

Categories: flowers, garden

Spring has sprung outside… as well as inside my condo! I started a few seeds from a purple hyacinth bean vine a little over a week ago and they are popping up all over! They’re doing great as I keep rotating the container as they seem to grow towards the light of the window so fast! I’m hoping to transplant them outside next weekend on my back porch so they can grow up my “curtain” of rusty wheels!

Categories: family, food, friends, stamped

Apparently it’s Monochromatic Monday!!! Who knew?! Yummy red cherries in a red glazed berry bowl. Great combo. Thanks Braxton for sharing!

Categories: food, friends

Looks like my friend Nancy is surviving her quarantine with heart! Enjoying a cute little beverage after getting an espresso maker for Mother’s Day, and a pitcher & latte pen for her birthday to froth all that milk! Looks like she’s “sheltering-in-place-in-style” with that cute little cup too!!!

Categories: weather

So I thought April Showers bring May flowers?!
And if so, what do MAY SHOWERS bring??? Flooding perhaps?
A view of my street from up on my front porch!
It’s been raining ALL day… and it’s still coming down!!!

So what else do May Showers bring?
Me curled up under a blanket melting into the sofa all day!!!

Categories: cirque du soleil

Another installment from Cirque du Soleil…
this time we’re going frozen & skating on ice!!!

Yes, as they continue to try new concepts, Cirque du Soleil came out with their versions of “Cirque On Ice.” We saw “CRYSTAL” when it came here to Chicago, but “AXEL” never came through. Just for the record… I like the “traditional” Cirque du Soleil shows a lot better! But I DID watch this whole episode… as there’s not much better to be doing on a rainy & cold Sunday in Chicago!!!

Click here to watch the full episode on Facebook.