It was another beautiful blue sky Sunday yesterday…
so why not go for another beautiful bike ride?!… safely by myself!!!
Again, I headed north as the Chicago Lakefront is still shut-down!
So pedaled north LITERALLY until the bike path ended!
Which is apparently across from the Great Lake Naval Station!
Kinda makes you think of the Shel Silverstein classic book, huh?!
So when I started out on my bike, it looked beautiful, the sun, the blue skies… but… it was a cold & windy ride… I easy could have used another layer… or five!!!
But look at those colors!!!
A little further north at the Fort Sheridan Forest Preserve area… with a scenic vista overlooking the lake! Still waiting for the prairie grasses & trees to get green again!
Then I went down to the beach area, passing a vintage army machine gun… proving that Fort Sheridan was an actual FORT back in the days!!!
I’ve ALWAYS said that the best part of biking… is STOPPING!
Cuz’ if you don’t, you miss out on seeing beautiful locations like this deserted beach area!
Back up from the beach… an now in the Fort Sheridan neighborhood that used to be a military encampment.
Headed further north… past Lake Forest… past Lake Bluff…
And up into North Chicago which is apparently where the Bike Path ENDS!!! Right across from the Great Lakes Naval Station! I took the path ending as a sign it was time to turn back and head home… especially as my toes & fingers were FREEZING!!!
Okay, maybe one last scenic stop… I mean, I was already there, right?!