Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: mugs, process, production

Making handles. Making mugs. Making more, more, MORE!!
Gotta start my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW with over a hundred mugs… or more?!

Starting with little nuggets of wedged clay…
then slammed on the table to make this little carrot shapes.

Then I pull my handles the traditional way with a bit of water and a lot of friction. I like to flip them into loops like this before I let them set-up. I think it’s easier to set 90% of the curve now BEFORE they start to stiffen up.

Then I cut out a good portion of the handles and attach them to the mugs…
score, slip, attach, repeat.

Categories: classes, food

This week in my Tuesday night pottery class, we enjoyed some new OREOs “imported” from Croatia by my friend Tracy! Who knew that they even made a Travel Edition?!

Categories: art fair, holiday

Just putting the last of the stamps & labels on the postcards for my Holiday Home Show! Hard to believe it is just TWO weeks away from today & tomorrow! More details to come… but mark your calendars now for November 23rd & 24th… and then start making your Holiday Gift Lists!!!

Categories: process, production, tools

Trimming some porcelain bowls with my super sharp Bison Trimming Tools.
Love the curly ribbons of clay that come off so cleanly!

Categories: Chicago, lillstreet

Big equipment outside of Lillstreet… working on the Metra train line and taking up a LOT of much-needed parking spaces!!!

Categories: bowls, stamped

While getting ready to load a bisque kiln, I inadvertently ran across the “suddenly stacked set” of now-called nesting bowls?! We’ll see if they still go together after my soda-firing???

Categories: mugs, porcelain, soda-fired, stamped

Sweet little porcelain mug kissed & blushing with a nice flash of soda!

Categories: Dad, family, Taylor

I couldn’t narrow down my photos to only ten in the “Family” category in my Instagram Photo Challenge… so here’s another batch featuring my adorable niece Taylor!

And Taylor working her new fancy camera for her Instagram Photo Challenge!!!

A great day downtown… where we even ran into our friend longtime Tracy
who had just finished climbing the stairs at Sears Tower!!


Categories: Dad, family, special events, Taylor

So much fun playing downtown with my Dad & niece Taylor for their first ever 5K race yesterday!!! And a fun Instagram Photo Challenge along the way during the HOT CHOCOLATE RUN!

It was a personal best for my Dad… who logged over 20,000 steps on his FitBit.
Of course I made him walk off the last 50 steps in the parking garage just to make the goal!

Categories: photography

We all had them… these are mine!