Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: kiln firing, mugs, pottery, process, production

After a couple hours of “Pottery Tetris”… I finally got my soda kiln filled to the brim last night. Lots of pots & ornaments that will be coming out just in time for next weekend’s HOLIDAY HOME SHOW!!!

The Back Stack…

The Front Stack…

Categories: glaze, organization, process, production

My studio cart works especially well when I’m glazing & wadding for a soda kiln. When my cart is full… it pretty much equals a full kiln. So then I put these masking tape “seat belts” on the shelves so no pots can jump off during their ride down the rickety freight elevator to the kiln room.

Categories: kiln firing

An empty kiln filled with tons of potential.
Loaded with tons of pots last night… and firing all day today!

Categories: ornaments

One of my students “took me up” on my offer to fire their wheelthrown ornaments in my soda kiln. Christine was the only one who took me up on it… and here are her colorful ornaments with a lot of underglaze details. It will be interesting to see how much of this color survives the soda kiln?!

Categories: bowls, glaze

Some bowls with tenmoku glaze inlaid in the stamps from last night…
and then some of the same bowls now with liner glazes…
all loaded into the soda kiln last night.

Categories: sunrise

Morning sunrise vibes… with a big cloud moving in just in time to catch some early morning color. A beautiful way to start the day… before turning on the kiln!

Categories: glaze, ornaments, process, production

These ornaments have been wiped off so the glaze stays in each stamp… headed into my soda kiln when I load this evening. These will be fired upside down on little tripods… get a metal ring after firing… and then make their big debut at My Holiday Home Show next weekend!!!!

Categories: glaze, ornaments, process, production

Adding a bit of tenmoku glaze into the stamped impressions on my latest batch of holiday ornaments. I’ll wipe off the top surface to leave the glaze neatly inlaid in each stamp.

Categories: glaze, mugs, production

Also glazed up a batch of mugs that will go into my soda kiln. Hopefully this glaze
will have some intriguing variations caused by the soda atmosphere in the kiln.

Categories: glaze, mugs, process, production

Let the glazing begin… lots of mugs getting some glaze inlaid in the stamps,
and a liner glaze inside. Prepping lots of pots for this weekend’s soda kiln firing!!!