Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped

Adding some colored flashing slip accents on my latest batch of mugs on this Mugshot Monday!

Categories: bike, sunrise

A chilly start to a beautiful morning… who knew that I would need so many layers & gloves so early in Fall?! I could see my breath!!! Let me just say, it was about 40-degrees when I started… and went up only two degrees while I was pedaling! Too cold. Too soon. I’m not ready for this!

Categories: platters, porcelain, process, production

Adding a band of black slip onto a couple of white porcelain platters.
Sgraffito coming soon!

Categories: platters, porcelain

Porcelain platters. Simple spirals.
Black slip & some sgraffito carving coming soon.

Categories: mugs, porcelain, process, production, wheelthrowing

Playing with porcelain. More mugs coming soon!

Categories: Chicago, friends, workout

Just remembering back six years ago when I ran the Chicago Marathon to celebrate my birthday! So much fun!!! I never knew a marathon could be so much fun… with such great support, encouragement & entertainment from the spectators! Thanks to my pal Tracy who ran the marathon that year as well for sharing this photo today!!!

Categories: friends, mugs, process, production

I just finished adding handles onto my 27 mugs!!!
And Jacob is still running his 26.2 miles.
Okay… so he’s mere minutes from finishing his first Chicago Marathon.

But I still think I won… not that I’m at all competitive?!

Categories: Chicago, friends

Fun tracking two friends running the Chicago Marathon this morning
while working in the studio. Watching on TV and tracking on the app at the same time.
Nice to see them running so close to each other…
even though they don’t know each other!! Ha!!! Go Jacob!!! Go Terry!!!

Categories: mugs, process, production

Just finished pulling my handles. So while one of my pottery students is downtown running his first Chicago Marathon, I’ll be in the studio doing my own little Mug Marathon!!! Attaching handles to mugs as Jacob runs on!!! He’s almost halfway… who will finish their Marathon first??? He’s got twenty-six miles… and I’ve got twenty-seven mugs! Seems fair, right?! Run Jacob Run!!!

Categories: mugs, process, production

Getting ready to make some mug handles on this early Sunday morning!