Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair

Don’t forget that this weekend is the HINSDALE FINE ARTS FESTIVAL. I will be in my usual area Booth #90 in beautiful Burlington Park in downtown Hinsdale. Looking forward to seeing everybody there… and showing off some more of my pottery! Come by to say hello!!!



Categories: Chicago, cirque du soleil

The circus is back in town!!! And last night we had a wonderful night under Le Grand Chapiteau for an exciting performance of Cirque du Soleil’s new show “VOLTA”!!! We had a great picnic along the lakefront before the show, and were surprised to find the whole place engulfed in fog after the show. Another wonderful night with my favorite Cirque du Soleil… under their new gray & white tent!!!

Everyone was taking their photos… including my friend Pam!

And the fog rolled in… and created a glowing haze over Le Grand Chapiteau!



Categories: artists, Chicago, mosaic

Loving the beautiful mosaics downtown at the Gallery 37 Gallery… made by the talented kids from After School Matters. Quite impressive… beautiful colors, striking patterns & great craftsmanship. Keep up the good work kids!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Another cloudy morning bike ride without much chance for that beautiful sunrise…
but wait… there’s a small gap in the clouds… almost… almost…
and THERE IT IS!!!… and then it’s gone!

Categories: art fair, mugs, stamped

A sweet little green mug for Mugshot Monday… just another one headed out to the ‘burbs
this coming weekend for the Hinsdale Fine Art Fair… Saturday & Sunday
in downtown Hinsdale! C’mon by!!!

Categories: porcelain, process, production, sgraffito

White porcelain pieces now with black slip banding… just waiting for them to set-up
to leatherhard for trimming & some sgraffito carving through the black slipped areas.

Categories: porcelain, production, sgraffito

Always feels a little weird to take black slip & paint it on pristine white porcelain…
that is “cherished” as perfectly clean WHITE clay. Now with some black splattered on it.

Categories: porcelain, production, wheelthrowing

Playing with porcelain again. Pretty in white… with some sgraffito plans in the making…

Categories: flowers, garden

Two of my favorites irises are currently blooming in the front yard!
Love the colors, patterns & unique scents of these bearded irises.

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

Another cloudy morning with a bit of a wind coming in from the west.
Watching flags fly as the sunrise tries its best to make it through the clouds
at the east end of Navy Pier.