Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair

It’s been a busy week…
with labeling & stamping postcards on top of everything else.

Another batch dropped off in the mailbox… and not a moment too soon
as my next art fair is next weekend in Schaumburg!

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

So cloudy this morning without much chance for a real sunrise! The wind was strong, the waves were crashing & parts of the trail were already closed!!! But it was fighting the headwind all the way home that was the real challenge!

And then I turned around to head home… and into the wind… and yes, that flag is flying SIDEWAYS!!!

Categories: flowers, seasons

Spring in Chicago… in between the snow and rain,
we’ve finally got some pretty things popping up around the City.

Categories: bike, sunrise

What a difference a day makes…
same harbor without the low-flying clouds.
Just plenty of clear blue skies and a blazing orange sunrise!



Categories: mugs, porcelain, soda-fired, stamped

Fresh from the soda kiln last week… perfect for Mugshot Monday!

Categories: bike, sunrise

With a large layer of clouds flying low this morning, the sun never really had a chance!
Blocked for most of the sunrise, but finally made a comeback at the end.
At least we got some beautiful reflections at Belmont Harbor!

Categories: pottery, soda-fired, stamped

If that first batch of larger lidded jars was pretty sweet,
then these even smaller ones are even SWEETER ones!!!
Especially when you fill them with M&M’s!!!

Categories: pottery, soda-fired, stamped

Fresh from my soda kiln… a fun batch of lidded jars destined for my next two art fairs in Schaumburg & Hinsdale! Some fun colors & flashing effects… just showing that soda-fired pottery doesn’t always have to be crusty-brown or blasted-gray!!!

Categories: soda-fired, stamped

Just in time for Spring… another flower pot fresh from the soda kiln!

Categories: kiln firing, pottery, soda-fired

So you saw all of the prepping, glazing, wadding & loading…
so it only seems fitting to show you the finished results too!

I unloaded my soda kiln Monday night… and it was my quickest & most efficient unload ever… TWO HOURS unloaded, packed, shelves scraped, kiln washed, floor swept, garbage out, all done!!! In. Out. Done… oh, yeah, and a few pictures along the way!

Front stack of the kiln…

Back stack of the kiln…

And a few of the pieces still on the kiln shelves…