As the temperature soared into the upper 70’s this afternoon, it was the perfect chance to hop on my bike and play hooky for the afternoon! Squeezed it in before teaching class tonight… which was good as the temperature also plummeted about thirty degrees this evening!!!
What a difference a couple days can make?!!!… two days ago we had a snowstorm, and today we have snowy white flowers blooming on all the star magnolia bushes. Guess that’s just springtime in Chicago?!!! Crazy.
Bills. Receipts. Reminders. Piles of paper.
Why do I put off doing my taxes until the last minute every year???
You would think I would learn, right?
Anyone else out there in the same predicament???
So excited to be using the new Bison Tool I bought while at NCECA.
I love my other Bisons… so I knew this slightly smaller one would be PERFECT!!!
You know I love trimming… now even more with great tools!!!
Just because it’s a big snowy mess outside… doesn’t mean that it isn’t still beautiful. It’s just pretty with an oddly slush-covered layer of mid-Spring snow on top of the pretty!!! No worries… it’ll melt… and maybe Spring will eventually get here for real?! Maybe…
And the snow just kept coming down… heavy slushy snow!!!
They do know it’s the middle of April, right?!!
Considering today was “supposed” to be our first official organized bike ride… not too excited about seeing this snow on my windshield. Needless to say, the ride was cancelled as this was only the start of the incoming snow!!!
Another batch of cylinders on their way to becoming MUGS!!!
Of course they needed to be stamped… soon to be trimmed and have their handles
attached. Until then… they’re just kinda pretty cylinders!!!
Cylinder #1 –
Cylinder #2 –
Cylinder #3 –
Cylinder #4 –
Cylinder #5 –
Cylinder #6 –
Cylinder #7 –
Cylinder #8 –
Cylinder #9 –
Cylinder #10 –
Cylinder #11 –
Cylinder #12 –
Another finished piece from the LILLSTREET THROWDOWN!!!
This time it’s Dave’s coil-built porcelain tulipiere glazed with a subtle celadon….
beautiful, and his first coil pot to boot!!!
Still blooming… so much fun to have one of my orchids RE-blooming while living in one of my stamped & soda-fired mugs! Great to have so many blossoms going up the stem… more flowers to come!!!