Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bowls, special events
Categories: classes, lillstreet

While I was in Germany, I missed my LILLSTREET THROWDOWN class.
I planned their projects & homework… and thanks to Lisa for stepping in to deliver the challenges! Looks like I missed a good time. Can’t wait to see the “results” from their homework assignment in class this week!!!

They started with throwing a new cylinder shape for a mug…

And then they switched quickly to handbuilding. While many of them have not done a lot of handbuilding, I thought it would be fun to throw them out of their comfort zone a bit. So they had to make the tallest cylinder out of two pounds of clay… a bit more challenging than you might expect…

After their foray into handbuilding, they went back to their wheels
to throw “the tallest vase”… “the widest bowl”… and “the widest platter.”

And just when they may have thought they were done… the homework assignment!!!
They need to make their mug, add it to the vase, bowl and platter collection
and then do some sort of surface decoration to make them look like a “set.” It will be great to see what they do… especially since I missed the last class so it will truly be a blind judging this week!!!

Categories: glaze, pottery, stamped

And now back to the pottery…

Kicking off my Saturday by meeting with my “very first art fair friends” who commissioned an oval casserole dish. They wanted a nice creamy, ivory-ish, neutral white… so I’m giving them two choices! Hopefully they’ll love at least one of them!!!

Categories: sunrise
Categories: sunrise, weather

Welcome Home!!! It feels so good to be home…
and even better to have made it through The Polar Vortex!!!

Such a great feeling to be able to get outside again to see nature at it’s best as it all begins to thaw… and I think I’m beginning to thaw as well?!!!


Categories: Chicago, travel

Traveling is great, but it always feels good to get home again too. Fun to see Chicago through the airplane window… the lakefront, the neighborhoods, the SNOW!!! Colder than Frankfurt… with the promise of a Polar Vortex to welcome me home!

Categories: travel


Blue skies flying high over the Atlantic Ocean… or maybe Iceland?… as I saw on the “flight video TV” that our route took a slight curve up & around to fly over Iceland instead of straight cross the Atlantic. Not sure why… but it sure was pretty above the clouds!

Categories: travel

Leaving Germany… leaving the clouds, the gray, the weather.
Thank You Frankfurt. I had a great time!

Categories: travel

The weather in Frankfurt was a bit warmer than here, but we still had to sit on the tarmac as they de-iced the plane before flying towards The Polar Vortex!!! Not sure that I’ve ever actually watched the process before… I didn’t expect GREEN?!!!


Categories: travel

Hanging out at the Frankfurt Airport enchanted by the old-school flight schedule… complete with flipping letters & numbers that change constantly as the schedule gets updated!