Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bowls, sgraffito, tools

One of the ONLY “benefits” of working in my studio while the ceiling light fixture is not working is that I get some really dramatic photos from the tabletop task lights I had to install in the meantime. Like these carving through an ombre-slipped class demo bowl with one of my favorite DiamondCore Tools!

Categories: studio

STUDIO LIGHTING UPDATE as of last night…
New light fixture still turned on.
Still plugged into the power strip on the leg my wedging table.
Yet someone has moved it about 4-inches to the right.

Still not quite functional as a “ceiling” light fixture… go figure.

Categories: studio

And so the saga continues… when I got into my studio last night before class, my “new light fixture” was still sitting on the floor propped up against a shelf… but someone had left it turned on??? Not installed. Not in the right place? Just ON!!! Not quite sure what that means… after class, still ON!!! So it’s not like someone was currently working on installing it.

It was just ON?!!!

Categories: classes, flowers, lillstreet

I’m so excited about my LILLSTREET THROWDOWN class tonight!!!
This week’s homework challenge was to make a TULIPIERE with the extruder as their primary tool. These are the example photos I showed them… and I know that they’re going to knock it out of the park! Several of them were in the studio last night trying to finish… and I resisted the urge to go see what they were doing. Instead I want the “Big Reveal” surprise in class tonight!!! Can’t wait!!!

Categories: My Talented Friends, pottery

Don’t you love it when you get something fun in the mail… instead of just bills & junk mail??? Like the poster invitation for this year’s ST. CROIX VALLEY POTTERY TOUR!! Always my favorite “pottery adventure” every Spring. Mark your calendar to head to Minneapolis for the weekend to see a HUGE collection of some of the best pottery around. I’ll be going again to do a little shopping & chatting with some of My Talented Friends!

Click here for more information about the St. Croix Valley Pottery Tour.

Categories: classes, food

Just because I LOVE my students…
and it’s almost Valentine’s Day…
and these look pretty darn tasty!

But did I mention I “LOVE” my pottery students?!!!

Categories: studio

Well, THIS is encouraging… I just made it into the studio and found a brand NEW light fixture propped up in the corner. One step closer, right?! Now it just needs to be installed… before I get too excited… we’ve been “here” once before!

Categories: nature, weather

Evergreen encased in ice this morning…
along with everything else shimmering, shining & frozen!

Categories: nature, weather

You know I love a good sunrise, but some days there is just no sun…
but instead sheets of ice covering everything.
Still pretty cool in my book… just another beautiful way to start the day!

And yes, you can thank the streetlight for the sparkle & shimmering shine!

Categories: mugs, soda-fired, stamped

A little more subtle… not too flashy… just a little soda flashing slip & a few little stamps for this MUGSHOT MONDAY.