Beautiful metal wall pieces by another Lillstreet Studio member Abi Gonzales.
She’s having an Opening Reception tonight from 6:00-9:00 at the Lillstreet Annex Gallery.
C’mon by!!!
Sure, I may be firing the soda kiln all day today… but that doesn’t mean
I can’t step outside for a breath of fresh air & nature’s glory.
As expected, it took me more than “a few” hours to load the soda kiln. Shelf by shelf, pot by pot, layer by layer. But I got a LOT of pots into the kiln… and tons of tiles filling the small spaces. Bricked up the door late last night and went home for a quick “nap” and a shower… and now I’m back at the studio firing the kiln! Gonna be another long day!
Back stack…
Front stack…
And the front stack from a groovy angle!
Spent part of my day yesterday wadding individual tiles for the soda kiln. Each and every tile… one by one… wad, wad, wad… all ready to be loaded into the kiln. The perfect “kiln filler” in between all of the other pots! Sure, it takes me longer to load the kiln, but by the time I’m done barely any of the empty shelf surface is showing!
So my glaze cart is filling up nicely. Glazed & wadded… filling half of my studio cart. Now I’ll turn the cart around and fill the other side. A full cart pretty much equals a full soda kiln… give or take a few pots here & there!
Blue skies. Yellow leaves.
And the inevitable bare branches not too far behind.
My morning ride started out dark & breezy. With one large cloud hovering low on the horizon. That cloud seemed to block most of the sunrise color, but a few wisps succeeded higher in the sky. Eventually the sun made it over the cloud and blue skies prevailed to illuminate the Fall colors along the bike path.
Still glazing. Still working “in the dark.” Still waiting for my ceiling light to be replaced… and I kinda think I might be getting used to all of this dramatic mood lighting?! Hopefully the glaze is going on the pots where I “think” it’s going???
It’s November First and were surrounded by beautiful Fall colors.
A great way to kick-off a new month.