While most people would use it as a spoon rest…
looks like this bearded dragon prefers it as a BED?!!!
So good to know that my pottery is so multi-functional. Ha!!!
Thanks for sharing Chrissy-Chick!
Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play |
While most people would use it as a spoon rest…
looks like this bearded dragon prefers it as a BED?!!!
So good to know that my pottery is so multi-functional. Ha!!!
Thanks for sharing Chrissy-Chick!
Mark your calendar for next weekend when we kick-off the holiday season with My Home For The Holidays HOME SHOW!!! My condo will be all decked out and filled with pots in every room, food & drink in the kitchen, and the “Tired Of Shlepping Sale” on the back porch. Make plans now… make your shopping list… then stop by and start marking them off!!!
Pretty little porcelain bowls fresh from the kiln.
Stamped. Glazed. Soda-fired. All that’s missing is the hot fudge sundae!!!
So he’s at it again… the carving addiction has taken a hold of my student Dave.
My class demo intrigued him… so he bought his own DiamondCore Carving Tool…
and now he’s a force to be reckoned with. He’s definitely found a new direction for his work.
I can’t wait to see where this new passion takes him!!!
With a few snow flurries coming down, so far no accumulation.
Just wet pavement and a lot of colorful heaves coming off the trees.
“Pretty Fall” might end today.
THE HOLIDAYS ARE COMING!!! In fact, one Chicago radio station switched to all Christmas music all day everyday starting yesterday!!! Too soon!!! But never to soon to design & create some groovy-cool, stylized & oversized ornaments for an upcoming holiday installation. Coming soon to a Zoo near you… err, well, near me at least.
Excited to see that some of the Fall leaves have survived the recent rains & wind…
not so sure they’re gonna make it through tonight’s predicted snowfall???
We’re just over a week away… from the kick-off of the holiday shopping season!
My HOLIDAY HOME SHOW is always the week before Thanksgiving.
What better holiday gift than some handmade pottery???
So I’m trying my best to get my postcards out in the mail before it’s too late!!!
Tuesday night during class, one of my students gave me one of the cutest gifts EVER!!! Catherine has been making these adorable porcelain lidded jars for awhile… and they keep getting smaller & smaller… and even cuter & cuter!!! Thanks to Catherine, this little cutie came home with me!!!
This week in my pottery class we were ROCKIN’ THE CASBAH!!!
With original cream & chocolate filled OREOs “imported” from Morocco!
One of my students brought them back from vacation to add to our class obsession.
Fun to see the wrappers written in Arabic! Not quite as sweet as our local OREOs…
but we still chowed them down! Thank you Patty!
Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
Lillstreet Studios ∙ 4401 North Ravenswood, Chicago, Illinois 60640 ∙ 773-307-8664 gary@firewhenreadypottery.com |