Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: classes, creativity, food

After “surviving” several weeks of Summer Camp without any good nicknames… and trust me, the kids tried out several new ones… look what showed up this week at my Tuesday night class potluck!!! Very clever.

But isn’t popcorn always WHOLE GRAIN just by the nature & physics of popping a kernel of corn? Just sayin’…


Categories: bike, sunrise

With this morning’s wind, waves & clouds, there wasn’t much of a sunrise to speak of.
But yesterday… started with a smattering of clouds and cleared up in time for the crazy influx of people for the Air & Water Show! All the more reason to ride EARLY in the morning!!!


Categories: inspiration, mugs, summer camp

One of the cutest cups I’ve seen in awhile…
warm fuzzies thanks to another adorable Summer Camper!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Quiet & warm this morning. A stillness accentuated with foggy humidity.
Layered clouds front & back… with the dark ones blocking the colored ones!!!


Categories: summer camp, wheelthrowing

We’re just three days in, and my new batch of Summer Campers are well on their way. We’ve already centered, thrown, trimmed, stamped, slip painted & decorated a LOT of stoneware pots. All labeled and drying for a quick overnight firing so we can glaze them all on Friday! Things move fast around here during Summer Camp!!!


Categories: bike, sunrise

Not a lot of difference. Can’t really tell where the water stops and the sky begins???

Categories: classes, food

My pottery class starts in just a few minutes… and my students should be excited that I scored the two newest flavors to share in class tonight!!! Rocky Road Trip and Strawberry Shortcake!!!

Categories: summer camp, wheelthrowing

Looks like one of my Summer Campers didn’t quite get the memo…
that the clay is supposed to become a pot, and NOT fill the splash pan?!!!
At least Olivia is having some good goopey, sloppy fun!!!


Categories: creativity

From what I’ve heard, I’m “fairly certain” that an elderly man name Mac lives here…
or at least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.





Categories: bike, friends

Pedaled the IRONMAN Madison bike course yesterday with two of my IRONMAN-In-Training friends! We had a great training ride up & down the 112 miles of hills, with plenty of humidity & sweat. And an entertaining stretch break for Nancy…. she stretched, while I ate ice cream!!! All worth it when riding with friends and celebrating a great finish with APPLE PIE!!! Chris & Nancy are both going to rock their IRONMAN Madison race in a few weeks!
