Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: art fair, mugs

While broken pottery is never a fun thing…
it is always nice to know that people out there are actually using my mugs…
and looking for more!!!

I’ll be at the Prairie View Arts Invitational this coming Friday night & Saturday
with PLENTY of new mugs for everyone!!!



Categories: kiln firing, lillstreet

SO glad I squeezed my last firing in before they tore down the soda kiln at Lillstreet.
Just another kiln rebuild for our faithfully fired, fired and fired again for years.
New & improved soda kiln coming soon in just a couple weeks!



Categories: holiday

One of my favorite days!!!
So much potential. So many pranks. So much fun!!!

And don’t think that the irony of today being Easter as well is lost on ME!  Ha!!!




Categories: bike, sunrise

No foolin’… it was a bit chilly this morning with a cool breezy blowing in off the lake.
A nice sunrise and a beautiful way to kick-off April.