Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: color, creativity

Dear Santa,
I know we’re less than a week away, but I just saw this today…
and I need to add it to my Wish List.
Remember how much I loved Lite-Brites when I was a kid?…
well this is even better!!! It’s the same thing, but oversized for bigger kids!!!

Like me!

And if one Sants’s Helpers needs to know where to get more information…
because the Elves are in a last minute crunch…
click here for more information about LiteZilla.






Categories: flowers, holiday

Picture perfect poinsettia.

Categories: friends, holiday, ornaments

I just LOVE surprise care packages in the mail… especially when it’s a beautiful handmade ornament just in time for Christmas! This beauty was made by my friend Pam of NorthWind Pottery. Sure, I may have purchased it online a year ago, but I definitely forgot all about it thinking that I would just “pick it up” from her at some point… making this care package an especially great surprise!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

With one large cloud blowing in from the north, it was a question
whether we would see a sunrise before the clouds won out.
And indeed we got a beautiful “colored-cloud sky show” just in the nick of time!



Categories: flowers, holiday

Festive floral in full bloom for the holidays.
Thanks David & Tina… they were perfect for last Saturday’s Holiday Home Show!!!

Categories: sunrise

All too soon, the sun was gone…
and it now looks like we may be clouded over for the rest of the day?!

Categories: bike, sunrise

Another mild day for mid-December as the clouds blew in from the west this morning with a bit of damp-chill in the air. Clear skies quickly gave way to clouded grayness… luckily, the sun got to peek through for a few minutes!!!


Categories: pottery, soda-fired, stamped

When asked yesterday if I had a special piece of pottery for a hallway half-table… I’m glad the answer was YES! This stamped & soda-fired piece fits perfectly on the table and will be a great catch-all for those that enter the house! Thanks Chris for sharing!

Categories: holiday, music

And for those who missed their chance to “sing & win” a FREE MUG
at yesterday’s Holiday Home Show… here’s a fun rendition of
“Mele Kalikimaka” by The Puppini Sisters!

Click here for the YouTube video.

Categories: artists, My Talented Friends

And for those that missed MUD & METAL yesterday…
here’s a quick glimpse of some of Amy Taylor‘s metalsmithing handiwork.
So many beauties… many of which will be wrapped up & under a tree
in the next few days! Beautiful work. Talented friend.




