Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: sunrise

Early morning sunrise silhouette.

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

Okay, so they can’t all be perfection. Gray skies this morning with a lot of clouds blowing through. But then again… still pretty amazing with big clouds in all the right places!!!

Categories: artists, Chicago

Dockside on Chicago’s Navy Pier. The Windy tethered to The Pier…
and a nice Robert Indiana stacking of letters & numbers.

Categories: holiday, theater

A cute stage musical version of the classic holiday movie in the always stunning Cadillac Palace Theater. Some classic Christmas carols and show-stopping tap dance numbers. A nice kick-off to the holiday season.


Categories: bike, sunrise

After several days of dramatic clouded sunrises, I guess it was finally time for a simple, back-to-basics, clear sky morning!

Categories: classes, lillstreet

Online registration for the new Winter Session of classes at Lillstreet Art Center opens today!!! I will again be teaching my Beginning/Advanced Beginning Class on Tuesday nights.

And NEW this session… a fun new class based on the BBC reality show “The Great Pottery Throwdown.” Every Thursday night will be filled with challenges, games, contests and all around ceramic shenanigans!

Sign up quick… my classes fill up fast!!!

To register online, click here for Lillstreet Art Center.


Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

With November quickly coming to an end, we’ve been treated to a long string of amazing sunrises and unseasonably nice weather.

Categories: family, ornaments, photography, Taylor

Seven Days & Seven Photos in black & white of your everyday life.
No explanation, no people. Challenge a friend to join everyday.

Day 7 of 7. I was challenged by my friends Barb Duro & Pam Walden.
Today I challenge Scott Hayner on Facebook… and Taylor Hayner on Instagram!

Categories: production, stamped, vases

Playing in the studio making a new batch of medium vases. Just a few thrown…
and then some stamping to make them a bit more exciting!


And now they’re all stamped, under plastic and waiting to be trimmed & slip painted.



Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

Sunday and it’s Funday!
It’s the last day of the week, and they saved the best for last.
Another amazing sunrise bike ride to finish out the week!