Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped

Another batch of mugs in the making… thrown & stamped.
Next up?… trimming & handles!

Categories: mugs, process, production, wheelthrowing

Oh, what to make?… what to make?…
More MUGS of course!!! You know it’s my favorite go-to!

Categories: clay, process, production, studio

Holy balls of wedged potential Batman!

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

Another serene sunrise to start off the day. With quiet reflections in the harbor, Ferris fun, silhouette spokes & a quick visit to the Goldstar Families Memorial & Park.


Categories: bike, sunrise

An early Saturday morning sunrise.
A bit cloudy… but still a perfect start to a perfect weather day!

Categories: Chicago, photography, sunrise

And a big sky show always deserves a big morning photo… or two!!!

Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

One big cloud obscuring the sun. Sure, the sun tried.. and tried…
but never quite made the big sunrise break-through.
Good for the dramatic sky show though.


Categories: Chicago, holiday

It was a late night drive back into the City after the fireworks in Chenoa last night. So much fun though to be greeted by the Chicago Skyline still shining in its festive glory.

Categories: family, friends, holiday

With historic Route 66 running right through town, I had a very relaxing day hanging out for the Fourth with my college friends and their ten kids in Central Illinois! Lots of kids, lots of fun… my “adopted” family in Chenoa. Very homespun with a wonderful fireworks show to top off the festivities!

And my buddy Ryann who really enjoyed the parade… especially collecting all of the candy that was being thrown out along the route! And yes, she’s the youngest of the ten kids!!!



Categories: holiday

Hope you all have a wonderful day full of family, friends & fireworks.
Be safe… and have a great day.

I know that there are corn dogs, lemon shake-ups, cotton candy & homemade pie
in my path later today! Can’t wait to celebrate Independence Day!
