A quick glimpse of my stamped vase that will be part of “FLOURISH”…
a new gallery show opening tonight in the Lillstreet Gallery Annex from 6:00-8:00pm.
It’s a collection of vases made by several of the Lillstreet ceramics instructors.
Different styles & techniques showcasing the wide range of teachers we have at Lillstreet!
Bright & groovy chandelier of beach “clutter” I got to make the other day!
So much fun to brighten up the first couple days of March!
Hard to stay gray & gloomy when faced with a box full of bright, rubber duckie beach balls!!!
You’re smiling now, right?!
Gray & dreary this morning for the perfect “urban sunrise”?!
Well, the warm-spell is over. Even the puddles were a bit chilly this morning…
with a side of broken-off antenna in the freeze!
As part of the “Demo On Demand” portion of my pottery class, last night we returned to the novelty fun of bubble glazing! A little glaze in a small cup, mix in some liquid dishwashing detergent… add straw… and BLOW!!! The soapy-glaze will start foaming & frothing out of the cup. Carefully let the bubbles rest on the sides of your pot. As the bubbles pop, they leave this really great random pattern all around. For my demo bow, I first dipped the bowl in Shaner White to give it a good, overall base glaze. Then I did a layer of bubbles with Josh Blue glaze. And then decided to go for broke and add a second layer of bubbles with Apple Green Celadon. Here’s my bowl as more of the bubbles are popping and leaving cool designs.
But then, not to be left out, the “demo-demander” herself jumped right in to start blowing bubbles!!! Melissa gave her bowl a base coat of glaze as well, and then decided to try some Cohen’s Copper Red bubbles. We’re all anxious to see the results when they come back out of the glaze firing!
As we near the end of the Winter session, many of my students are rushing to get their “challenge projects” completed & glaze fired for the last class. So we opted to load a class bisque kiln with some of their pieces last night. It will speed up the process a smidge, and it was a great first-time kiln loading experience for most them.
Sure, not my tightest packed kiln ever…
but I did manage to squeeze in a few of my own pieces as “kiln filler.”
A super “sweet” class last night when a former student brought us some “peeps”…
and a current student brought two packages!!! Thanks Laury & Steven!!!
The new Peeps OREO’s are VERY bright, VERY pink and VERY sweet!!!
Just one small bite was more than enough for my friend Pam who stopped by to check on our class festivities!!! So I “just had to” finish it off for her!!!