Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bike, sunrise

So the morning started pretty crisp & clear. Just a layer of low-flying clouds. Luckily, as the morning progressed, the clouds moved in and created a vibrant layer of sunrise color!!!

Categories: production

After a beautiful Fall day on my bike, I had to “force myself” to go into the studio to get some work done. Luckily this evening was productive, including a couple sets of stamped dessert plates. Sure, I guess they could be salad plates too… but really, who doesn’t want dessert???



Categories: pottery, process, production

So it’s been exactly two weeks since I became an IRONMAN.
Things have gotten back to normal… less training, more pottery…
but I still can’t bring myself to cutting off my official IRONMAN wristband!!!

Categories: nature
Categories: nature
Categories: nature, photography, sunrise

The waves were crashing this morning… yet not everyone was happy to see them. Apparently there was a “fatality” along the way. Bad timing. Tragic & beautiful… as the sunrise lit up the monarch and the water drops that took it down!

Categories: bike, sunrise

A beautiful morning along the lakefront. Surprisingly chilly as the waves were crashing all around. Summer is over… long sleeves & gloves are back!!!


Categories: mugs, process, production

Just adding some colored flashing slip accents to this most recent batch of mugs. I like to color the top section of the mug, as well as a small dab of color in each stamp. The flashing slip will become more colorful after soda-firing. Or at least that’s the plan…

Categories: holiday

After a long night in my studio, I saw this wonderful kid’s skeleton sitting on a classroom table on my way out… and it definitely brought a smile to my face. Possibly the cutest skeleton ever!!! This trick was definitely a TREAT!!!

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped

It was a long & productive night… but I can handle it. And now all forty cylinders have become MUGS!!! They’re now under wraps over night. For tomorrow I’ll paint them with some colored flashing slip accents.


