Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: kiln firing, mugs, process, production

So many pots. Cranking out as much as I can getting ready for ART IN THE BARN. It’s two weeks from today and I still have so much work to do. Including a couple more kiln firings. My plan is to get all of these pieces into glaze kilns next week. I have a full soda kiln scheduled for net Saturday. So even though I’m in “the middle” of ART IN THE GARDEN this weekend, I still had to go into the studio to unload this bisque kiln. No rest for the weary.

Kiln Layer #1 – Mugs. Mugs. Mugs… ALL MUGS!!! My favorite!

Kiln Layer #2 – My mostly porcelain layer. Mugs, cups and a couple bowls.

Kiln Layer #3 – Stars. Stars. And more stars!!! And a few bowls, ovals & cups!

Kiln Layer #3.5 – Stamped platter, spoon rests… and some fortune cookies!

Kiln Layer #4 – Bowls, mugs, ornaments and a LOT of tiles!!!

And you know how I like to get close to the top…

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