Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: summer camp

Okay… so today was the first day of my second week of camp.
Another great group of kids for a week of Wheelthrowing Camp.
A little bit older then the group last week, More experience throwing too!
Off to a good start… until…

So I’m doing my first throwing demo with all of the kids gathered around.
We’ve already done introductions, week plans, goals, expectations, etc.
So I’m sitting at a wheel throwing, talking & demo-ing. When I started to hear some commotion going on behind me. Not sure what it was, but I knew it was a couple of the older kids. When I turned to look over my right shoulder, I could see one of the older girls slowly leaning forward, dropping slowly, fainting all the way down to the ground. What?!!!

So I hopped up to check on her and she was already coming to and trying to get up. More embarrassed than injured. She had no color in her face so we had her sit down and drink some water. She said she was feeling better and the color started to come back to her face.

I went back to my demo… with one eye on her at the same time.
She said it was not her first time fainting. And her friends knew that she had done it before at school. Yet nothing about it on her camp medical list??? I asked if she wanted us to call her Mom, she said no. But when she started losing color again… and started vomiting into the garbage can… we knew we had to call home. Mom came and picked her up from camp.

We all hope that she’s feeling better…
and that she makes it back to camp for the rest of the week!

Not the best start for Week Two of Summer Camp. Tomorrow will be better…

TUESDAY UPDATE : She’s back at camp… as good as NEW!!!



Categories: glaze, mugs, seasons

Celebrating the Summer Solstice with a colorful Mugshot Monday!
Here’s to a sunny & colorful Summer! Giddy-up!


Categories: photography, sunrise

Big sky. Big clouds. Big photo. BIG FUN!!!

Categories: bike, sunrise

A rather warm & cloudy morning… but promising to become clearer through the day as we celebrate the Summer Solstice today. Welcome to Summer!! Giddy-up!!!


Categories: friends, glaze, pottery, stamped

A quick glimpse at the wedding gift I gave to Camden & Kristin yesterday.
A large stamped platter with a bit of “color irony.” My friend and Camden’s mom’s maiden name is Kelly Green!!! Hope they like it… if not, I’m pretty sure Kelly would be more than willing to take it off their hands!



Categories: friends, inspiration, special events

For those who know me well, you’ll know that today was a double whammy. In a church AND wearing long pants!!! Yikes. Celebrating the marriage of Camden & Kristin… second son of my best friends from college!

Categories: Chicago, sunrise

The sunrise was pretty incredible this morning. And I loved how it perfectly “lit up” the new Centennial Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier. Sometimes timing is everything!

Categories: bike, sunrise

The weather is perfect this weekend… and the sunrise was pretty darn perfect too! Great clouds sweeping the sky to give us a pretty incredible sky show. Lots of sunrise drama.


Categories: bike, sunrise

Clear skies. Just a few flickers of clouds. It’s going to be another beautiful day!


Categories: summer camp, terra cotta

It’s a “shame” they’re not having any fun in Summer Camp this week!!! Ha.