Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: photography, pottery

So it’s been a VERY busy year! And hard for me to believe that I’ve now been on Instagram for a full year! Of course I was dragging my heels, avoiding the trend to hop on the Instagram bandwagon! Like I really needed yet one more social networking outlet and recurring obligation in my life?!

A lot has changed over the last year.. including the Instagram logo!

And now I’m out on the St. Croix Pottery Tour again… and I realized that it marks my one-year anniversary on Instagram. So I’m celebrating with by re-visiting the “scene of the crime.” Here’s this year’s version of my first Instagram post…

And here’s my VERY FIRST post to Instagram a year ago! Look familiar?…

Click here to go to my Instagram page… then click FOLLOW.
Or, use the QR Code for immediate access…


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