Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: creativity, inspiration

This one makes me smile every time I watch it. And trust me… it’s been a LOT of times!!!
I just can’t get enough of this guy. And the song is pretty catchy too!

Click here for the fantastically hilarious video by Luciano Rosso!!!

Love his energy, his expressions and his total commitment to this song. Can you even imagine trying to have a serious conversation with this guy?!

Love it… my vote for Best Selfies EVER!!!


Categories: photography, sunrise

Sometimes big drama in the sky requires a big photo to capture that drama!

Categories: bike, sunrise

It was a muted morning with staccato clouds blowing through.
Very dramatic. Very moody. Very cool.


Categories: flowers, nature

Beautiful harbingers of Spring. A few cute crocus to brighten the day.

Categories: flowers, nature

A small batch of day lilies greeting the morning sun.
Casting their little shadows for all to see.

Categories: bike, sunrise
Categories: bike, sunrise

A single line of clouds. Nothing much going on in the sky.

What started as a clear, cool morning turned more dramatic as the fog lingered low along the lake. So much fun when the sun gets high enough to illuminate the hovering haze.

Categories: production, stamped, vases

Decorated discs all over my studio. Thrown, stamped and drying on plastic grids to avoid warping. Some will be glazed, some will be soda-fired. After firing, they will be turned into ikebana vases… just in time for the kick-off of my art fair schedule!

Categories: mugs, soda-fired, stamped

Another stamped & soda-fired mug. Perfect for a gray, damp & chilly Monday.

Categories: food, holiday

Hope you’re having a “colorful” Easter!!!… or just a great Sunday depending on how you roll?!