Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: blogs

Just a quick reminder… the folks at Facebook have gotten a little greedy over the years. And now, even if YOU decide that you want to follow a small business on Facebook, you may or may not be seeing their posts. Apparently Facebook now has some crazy algorithms that they use to “randomly” decide how many posts from a small business you might see. Even if you’ve requested to see them all. Facebook’s “solution” is that they expect small businesses to actually pay money to get their posts out to their followers. Let me just say… THAT is not going to happen here.

So…. from what we’ve heard, the best way to work around that is for you to Comment frequently, or click the LIKE button on posts as frequently as you can. We all think that the more you click, the more you “tell the algorithms” that you want to see more Facebook posts from Fire When Ready Pottery.

Click here to go to my Facebook pottery page… and then click FOLLOW.

Categories: blogs, mugs, pottery, soda-fired

A lot of people commented that they missed out on the last online mug sale
back in early December 2015. So I thought it might be a good idea to do another one…
this time, in time for
Valentine’s Day Gifts!!!

So the plan is much like the last online sale…
I will post photos of all the mugs here on my blog. Both sides of each mug for comparison.
Then next Saturday, January 30th at Noon CST, I will post the “official” Photo Album on my Facebook pottery page. Once posted on Facebook, it’s gonna be a first come, first served race to the end. The first person to post a Comment on a photo in the Facebook Photo Album with “claim” their prize.

Feel free to post comments here on the mugs, but keep in mind that
ONLY the first person to Comment on Facebook will get the mug!
Good luck!!!

Click here to go to my pottery Facebook page.
Be sure to click LIKE so you’re ready for the big sale next Saturday!

Categories: food

You know I’m a fan.
Chocolate. Marshmallow. Graham Cracker. A yummy trifecta!!!

But look what I found at DMK Burger Bar on Navy Pier this week…

A S’mores Milkshake!!!… with extra chocolate of course.
Chopped up marshmallows & graham cracker bits inside.
And actual toasted marshmallows on top!!! Whoo-hoo!!!

Categories: classes, lillstreet, mugs

A great line-up of mugs made by my pottery students tonight.
Not too shabby for Week Two?! I have the BEST students!!!

Click here to see the video version on my Instagram page.

Categories: patterns, porcelain, stamped
Categories: mugs, pottery

A few people have mentioned that they missed the St. Nick’s Day Online Sale
back in December. So I’m thinking that it might be time for ANOTHER online mug sale!!!
I’m thinking that a handmade mug might be the perfect gift for your special Valentine?!
More details to come…

Categories: holiday, inspiration
Categories: flowers, porcelain, stamped, vases

On a freezing cold Chicago day, it’s great to see a hopefully burst of Spring. Thanks to Terri for sharing a picture of her yellow daffodils in one of my stamped porcelain ikebana vases.

Categories: family, food

My cousin Kim christened my “pie plate prototype” with a homemade apple pie this weekend. Looks pretty yummy… and the pie is already half gone. So I guess that means the pie plate works, huh?! More to come…

Categories: bike, sunrise

Chilly morning with some wonderful splashing waves along the lakefront.
Luckily, none of them splashed on me!!!

And did I say it was cold… well, here are some frozen & icicle-covered bushes along the lakefront.

And then the sun made an appearance, and illuminated some of the crashing waves!!!