So my friend Amy Taylor and I have been collaborating on a few pieces… with their BIG DEBUT scheduled for this Saturday 12/12 at my condo for “MUD & METAL : A Collaborative Holiday Home Show”… appropriately named, huh?
Well, anyway… I finished my part of the project, and now Amy is faced with the deadline of finishing in time for this weekend’s big sale. Here’s a quick peek at her part “the metal” … which ironically kinda looks like mud until she polishes it?!
Just showing of “My Talented Friend” Amy Taylor… and her amazing metalwork.
She’ll be joining me this Saturday 12/12 at my place for the Second Holiday Home Show : MUD & METAL. Her work is amazing and it would be the perfect holiday gift for that special someone… or yourself for that matter!
She even has these wonderfully whimsical characters…. they’re ADORBS!!!
Each with a different wacky expression. Some wide-eyed. Some smirking.
I love mine. It makes me smile every time I wear him.
Be sure to stop by my place this Saturday, December 12th between 10:00am-6:00pm.
MUD & METAL : A Collaborative Holiday Home Show
1353 West Rosemont #3, Chicago, Illinois 60660 in the Edgewater Neighborhood
And did I mention that there will be a VERY limited quantity of collaboration pieces???… yep, come see what happens when a potter and a jeweler combine forces and work together!!!
Click here for even more of a preview of Amy’s amazing work.
Here’s a quick glimpse into the kiln as I loaded layer by layer last night. It’s a smaller electric kiln, so there’s not a lot of room. And yet I tried my best to squeeze a good amount of pieces in. And while I still LOVE soda-firing and the large percentage of my work is soda-fired… I must admit that it’s kind of fun to glaze & load a kiln in a couple hours – then close the lid, press the button and go home for the night. A quick kiln firing and we have some fun pop-of-color mugs to add to Saturday’s Holiday Home Show!!!
Kiln Layer #1 – mugs & cups
Kiln Layer #2 – a small bowl and a lot of holiday stars… replenishing the inventory!
Kiln Layer #3 – mugs & cups & bowls… oh my
Kiln Layer #4 – three larger mugs & some more bowls
Kiln Layer #4.5 – a partial layer with some more bowls
Kiln Layer #15 – a small plate and lots of tiles
So I did the MUD…
and now Amy Taylor is figuring out her METAL side of the project. We decided to do a little collaboration for our “MUD & METAL” Collaborative Holiday Home Show. We’ve been trying to keep it under wraps… but I can’t resist. So here’s a quick glimpse of my part of the project. And I can’t wait to see what Amy does with them…
Mark your calendar for this Saturday 12/12 at my place for the Big Reveal.
MUD & METAL :Â A Collaborative Holiday Home Show
Saturday, December 12th from 10:00-6:00pm.
At my condo : 1353 West Rosemont #3, Chicago, Illinois 60660
So much fun playing with my friend Sarah Chapman at the “One Of A Kind Show” yesterday at the Merchandise Mart. I’ll be there helping her again today in Booth #2118. Stop by to see a lot of her wonderful jewelry creations. If you can’t make it, click here to check out Sarah’s website for more beautiful metalworks!
And how much fun to see that Sarah’s earrings made it onto the official One Of A Kind poster!!! A great surprise for all of us… even Sarah didn’t know before she got there!
Such a nice way to start your day…
A Facebook message & photo from a great friend & customer who stopped by the One Of A Kind Show yesterday where I was helping my friend Sarah Chapman…
“Ann says to tell you,”this is the coolest f-ing [FBomb if you will] cup…EVER!” We are all drinking warm coffee in your mugs right now while eating the most delicious chocolate chip cookies after the One of a Kind Show. We love you!!”
And a great “endorsement” for a Fire When Ready Pottery mug!!!
Guaranteed to make your coffee taste even better… and all the more reason to snatch one up quickly in the St. Nick’s Day Online Sale. It just started minutes ago. Click here to switch over to my pottery Facebook page to see the Photo Album & Sale.