Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: bike, Chicago, sunrise

Another morning ride without a sunrise. At least it wasn’t raining like yesterday.
You gotta love the City’s “glow” on clouded mornings like these.


Categories: creativity

So. what do you get when you arrange 66,000 cups of colored water?
Something truly amazing… by artist Belo!!!

“66,000 cups with as many wishes for a world where the lack of access to clean water
will be a thing of the past”.     – Belo

According to their YouTube video information…
To raise awareness among the general public about the global clean water crisis, the artist Belo created an image composed of 66,000 cups of colored rainwater simulating levels of impurities found in water all over the planet. This major work of 3,600 square feet, representing a fetus in the maternal womb, emphasizes the necessity of water, even before birth, for each living person. The goals of 66,000 were many: taking up the artistic and material challenges inherent to this monumental production, and informing the public of the dramatic consequences of a lack of drinkable water.

Fun Facts: 66,000 compostable and biodegradable cups, 15,000 liters of colored rainwater, 1 kg of vegetable dye, more than 100 volunteers, 62 hours of work, placed end to end the 66,000 cups would measure 5.2 km long.

A large single photo print of this ephemeral work, was one of a few artworks selected for the online auction organized as part of One Night for ONE DROP. This exclusive fundraising event for the benefit of ONE DROP was held on World Water Day, March 22, 2013 at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. Those interested could raise the stakes on this exclusive photo by Belo, by biding on the online auction site. ONE DROP is charitable foundation created by Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberté.

Click here to see the full YouTube video.

Categories: art fair, artists, friends, My Talented Friends

For those of you who may have missed MUD & METAL this past Saturday, here’s a quick glimpse of the beautiful metalwork by Amy Taylor. She had quite a few beautiful pieces in my dining room!!! If you’re still looking for holiday gifts, be sure to check out her website or shop on her Etsy page.

Website :
Etsy :

Categories: bike

Thought I might get a good sunrise this morning… nope.
Started out with a headwind all the way down to Navy Pier. Enjoyed turning around for the tailwind… but then, after a mile, there were little glints of sparkle in my headlight beam??? What??? Then the wind shifted to the side and those little glints became true RAIN!!! So instead of a sunrise I got nine miles of cold rain. Nice combo… sweat on the inside, rain on the outside mixed with cold wind.

And did I mention no sunrise???

Categories: bike, sunrise

Sure, it was great to see that the rain had finally stopped after a couple days.
Great to get back out on the bike. But would it be too much to ask for a little sun too???

Categories: pottery

A quick Thank You… and Congratulations!!!… to those who snatched up a great mug, or three, during y annual Online Sale. By now you should know I don’t do a lot of online sales. Mainly because I don’t like packing & shipping of fragile ceramics, But every once in awhile I change my mind and realize that it’s not as bad I as think it is. Go figure. Anyways, thanks again for those who played along during the St. Nick’s Day Online Sale… your pieces are on their way!!! Just in time for holiday gift giving, or more likely, just in time for you to curl up on the couch and enjoy a great mug of something warm & cozy!!! Merry Christmas to YOU!!!

Categories: food, holiday

Sweet holiday treat this evening at Lickety Split. EGGNOG SNAP.
Frozen eggnog custard mixed with caramel & gingersnap cookie pieces.
Yummy!!!… even yummier with extra caramel I must say.

Categories: art fair, artists, flowers, holiday

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who stopped by my place yesterday
for the MUD & METAL Holiday Home Show. Me the MUD… Amy the METAL.

We had so much fun playing with so many great people!!! I love knowing that so many pieces are going to good homes, whether as holiday gifts to the loved ones on your list, or to yourselves!!! Special thanks to my friend & talented metalsmith Amy Taylor for joining me again this year. Her work is amazing, she’s so much fun to play with… and I came away with a few new pieces in my “Amy Collection”!!!

Categories: art fair, mugs

Just one hour until doors open for “MUD & METAL : A Collaborative Holiday Home Show.” Amy Taylor is here setting up her amazing jewelry… and I’ve already replenished the pottery shelves inside & out! Lots of great gift ideas. Swing by today for a little holiday shopping! Plus, the first Fire When Ready Pottery Fan to come through my door singing “Jingle Bells” will get a FREE MUG!!! Giddy-up!!!

Categories: ornaments

Still getting ready for tomorrow’s big Holiday Home Show!
Repelnishing shelves. Restocking inventory…
and adding more to the Tired Of Shlepping Sale shelves!
And we’re marking down a LOT of holiday ornaments.
Originally $15, $20 or even $25 each… on sale tomorrow only for $5 each!!!
Snowflakes, gingerbread men, stars, fortune cookies and even some Ho’s!!!
Here’s a quick glimpse of the ornaments I just now put on the back porch…
because I’m just plain tired of shlepping them around!