Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: kiln firing, process

With a little “creativity” with the bricks in the top right corner of the door, my kiln is close to top temperature. All of the soda mixture has been added. So now it’s a bit of a “soak” and then I can turn it off for the evening. Mission accomplished.

Categories: art fair

Today I’m firing my soda kiln AND sending out some postcards
or next weekend’s Holiday Home Show. Better late than never, huh?

“My Home For The Holidays” Home Show
Saturday, November 21st & Sunday, November 22nd * 10:00am-6:00pm

Categories: blogs

With the holidays quickly upon us… and the year drawing to a close…
I see that we’re nearing another great milestone on Facebook.
We are within striking distance of 3,000 Fans!!!

‘Tis the season to be sharing… ’tis the season to be clicking…

Click here to go to my Fire When Ready Pottery Facebook page.
Click FOLLOW to get quick studio updates, photos, stories and more…
and “quite possibly” a few sunrise photos from my morning bike ride addiction!
And then “SHARE” the fun with your friends… and let’s hit that 3,000 mark!!!

Categories: creativity, inspiration

As seen on Art Soup - Visual Arts Magazine. Click here for their Facebook page.

Categories: kiln firing, soda-fired

The back stack is already done. Shelf by shelf. Layer by layer.
Lots of pieces packed in getting ready for next weekend’s Holiday Home Show!!!

And then about halfway through the front stack, I found the perfect shelf for two new masks. The “instant” masks I made on Tuesday before teaching my class… bisqued wet that night… and now going into the kiln already on Friday! Whoo-hoo!!

Sealed up and put to bed for the night. I turned the burners on for about 20 minutes to warm it up, dry the wadding & glaze. But now it’s bricked up, and done for the night.

Categories: glaze, kiln firing, process

So I finally finished glazing & wadding upstairs in my studio. My cart travels downstairs in the rickety freight elevator. So I add some masking tape “seat belts” so nothing jumps off during the ride. And now it looks like everything made it down to the kiln room in one piece… time to remove the tape…. and start the loading… giddy-up!!!

Categories: kiln firing

The empty soda kiln filled with potential & possibilities…
with a beautiful soda-glazed brick interior. Let the loading commence!!!

Categories: glaze, process, production

Still glazing & highlighting some textures with a temoku glaze inlay.
Lots of squares… a little something new in the works in the studio.

Categories: food, glaze, ornaments, production

One of my students just stopped by with a sweet treat to make my Glazing Day go better. So festive now with peppermint & ornaments!!! Thank you Catherine.

Categories: glaze, production, stamped

Still glazing. Still wadding. Working towards loading my soda kiln later this evening. Still a lot of things to glaze… it’s gonna be another late night!!!