Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: holiday

Which also means, only three weekends before my own Holiday Home Show!!!
Mark your calendars now…

“My Home For The Holidays” Home Show
Saturday, November 21st & Sunday, November 22nd – 10:00am-6:00pm

Categories: ornaments

Started another batch of wheelthrown ceramic ornaments today…
even though I haven’t quite finished the first batch yet.
Taught my class tonight how to throw ornaments as well.

Categories: nature, seasons

Wet Fall colors on a dreary October day.

Categories: clay, porcelain, process

Working up another batch of porcelain reclaim clay. It’s been slaking down in my reclaim tub, and then turned out onto a large plaster bat. I love how the clay “releases” from the plaster and kind of rolls right up when it’s ready to be wedged. Batch #1 done… about four more of the same still to do. Gotta love FREE CLAY!!!

Categories: classes, clay

Here’s a great little article about learning to throw clay on the wheel.
To some the process is magical, relaxing & zen-like. To others there’s frustration, aggravation & a big dirty mess. I love working with my Beginners to get the through the tough first few weeks of class. We’re now in Week 7 and it’s great to see them having fun & creating great pieces… and breathing.

Click here to read the article – “The Clay Will Tell You How You Are.”

Categories: holiday, tiles

And another entry in the “Show Me Your Ghouls” project. This time from my brother-in-law Scott who’s showing off their collection of Ghouls, one of my ceramic Jack-O-Lanterns, a stamped vase… and oh yeah, some random scarecrow hidden in the corner.

Did I forget to mention that really cool tile background??? Looks familiar.
Pretty sweet… even if I do say so myself.

Categories: holiday

Thanks to Anna for sharing her Halloween decorations.
Great to see a few of my “Ghouls” hanging out on her fireplace mantle.

Looks like she may need a “few more” to replace the other pieces, I’m just sayin’…

Categories: mugs, process, production, stamped

Finishing up more mugs with some colored slip accents along the rim and in the stamps. Nearly four dozen mugs finished & drying for the night. Waiting for the bisque kiln. Then into my next soda kiln in a couple weeks. Making a LOT of mugs so I can start my annual Holiday Home Show with well over a hundred mugs!!! ‪#‎mugshotmonday‬

Categories: mugs, process, production

Adding some colored slip accents to my latest batch of mugs. A splash of color painted around the top rim and in every stamp. Many of them are considered “flashing slips” as they will change colors based on the effect of the soda atmosphere during the final firing.

Categories: artists, mugs

Possibly the last of the back porch flowers in a beautiful new wood-fired mug by Simon Levin. Just one of the hundred mugs he offered up as a “perk” in his recent Kickstarter campaign. ‪#‎mugshotmonday‬

For more on Simon Levin’s work, click here for his website –