My ride started early on into the darkness… cold & windy AGAIN!
This seem to be becoming the “new normal” this week. Cold. Windy. Dark.
So I was kind of surprised when I found new “sand dunes” all over the bike trail from the overnight winds!!! Had to get off my bike to carry it over the dunes!!!
The next surprise was the waves crashing over the bike trail just south of Fullerton. There were more than a few unsuspecting runners & bikers who got caught in the waves!
Eventually the sun began to rise and sky began changing colors. Didn’t stop the waves though… just more fun watching them crash over the shoreline.
I tried to continue pedaling… but I kept getting side-tracked by the crashing waves!!!
More waves. More crashing. I couldn’t resist…
Back to the sunrise… uh oh, and the gray cloud cover!
Which luckily was beginning to break up… just in time for the sun’s sparkle!
And we ended up with a pretty fantastic sunrise after all. BEAUTIFUL!!!