Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: creativity, gallery, inspiration, mugs

I have some wonderful customers.
Always supportive. Always sharing. Always collecting.

Especially this family who have decided to create a “special place” in their kitchen to house their Fire When Ready Pottery mug collection. From what I’ve heard, there were a couple “false steps” along the way… but it looks like the installation this time was a success! And it looks like it was a full family project with both Dennis & Ann climbing in to get the project done… and Allison presumably behind the camera!!!

They came to ART IN THE BARN on Saturday, bought a few more mugs, and apparently tackled this “little” project yesterday.

Good thing Dennis is a chiropractor… I’m just sayin’.
And it looks pretty great. Easy access shelving for all of their favorite mugs!
Three sections “floating” above the counter-top. Right within arm’s distance.

And now they’ve been filled with mugs!!!

Okay, so I see a few “imposters” along the way… we’ll need to work on that. I might give a little slack to my friend Cory McCrory’s dotted lime green mug, but the others have got to go. Maybe relegated back into the cabinet from whence they came?! Sure, that crystalline mug looks pretty sweet too… but really?… back in the cabinet!!!

Thanks so much for sharing these photos…
and for giving my mugs such a place of honor in your kitchen!!!
Love you guys!!!

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